Politics -3 tradition exam prep


educ321 exam prep - tradition summaries and quotes
Jordyn Pitman
FlashCards por Jordyn Pitman, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jordyn Pitman
Criado por Jordyn Pitman aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

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Progressive Role of Education in society - Preparation for active participating member - develop and practice democratic citizenship
Progressive Role of knowledge - created from experiences and interactions with world - curriculum emerge from lives of students - pragmatic view of knowledge (dewey) - defining and solving problems in practical ways
Progressive Role of teachers - provide practical and experiential opportunities - make curriculum content reflect experiences of students
Progressive Role of students - have opportunities for decision making processes - learn content that has practical application in their lives
Progressive Role of society - democratic society is most desirable - links to social democracy ideas - justice for all groups
Progressive Tradition Summary - child-centred - experiential learning - teachers as guides/facilitators - education linked to democratic goals - critical thinking and problem solving - active participation
Progressive quotes "mechanism of social control" Mutch 2013 "the most powerful learning arises from the children's own lives" Mutch 2013 Schools as "places to assist in the growth of experience" Pring 2007
Dewey quotes -“The child's own instincts and powers furnish the material and give the starting point for all education” – Dewey 1897 - "A desire for fullness of experience" - Dewey 1934
Liberal Role of education in society - to create rational, autonomous beings - make decisions for oneself rather than look to authority - initiate students into disciplinary (subject branches) forms of knowledge
Liberal Role of knowledge - knowledge is pursued for its own sake - knowledge is central - knowledge organised into disciplines with their own methods and principles - knowledge is seperate from experience
Liberal Role of teachers - provide students with equal access to disciplinary forms of knowledge - equal access related to social equity in society
Liberal Role of students - Opportunity to learn, think and act like a historian, mathematician, writer... - Opportunity to submit and evaluate own traditions to more objective methods of disciplines
Liberal Role of society - Notion of individual and personal freedom - Notions of liberal democracy
Liberal Tradition Summary - Knowledge as the purpose of liberation - different types of knowledge (social, cultural, disciplinary) - broad range of knowledge acquired - emphasis on open-mindedness - Transforms behaviour and outlook - life-long learners -constant evolving of knowledge
Liberal quotes "always be concerned with the more generally useful rather than the less" Bailey 1984 "it is only reason that can liberate one from the past and the present" Bailey 1984 "concern fro the intrinsically worthwhile rather than for the solely utilitarian" B1984
Critical Role of education in society - site for power struggles - education as a vehicle for social transformation of socially reproduced inequalities - Transform society into a more socially just place
Critical Role of knowledge - knowledge is dialogical - knowledge created through social process of dialogue and questioning - knowledge is incomplete and in process of being produced - knowledge is a private pursuit that engages with daily life struggles - deep thinking of complex issues
Critical Role of teachers - view work as more than methods and skills - view work as ethical and political process -attitude of respect and care for students - seek ways to challenge the status quo - look for alternatives
Critical Role of students - curious, inquiring, problem posing and dialogical - have opportunity to act on the world to change it - develop social connectedness and responsibility to others -understand world deeper and aim for a socially just society
Critical Role of society - social inequality is not a given and therefore can be transformed - social inequality prevents people from being humanised
Critical Tradition Summary - social justice: understand world deeper and aim for more just society - school of thought and process of critique - examines social, political, economic and cultural values - power: domination/subordination - Emancipation and empowerment
Critical quotes "critiques forms of domination and subordination" "orientation awards challenging belief systems and ideologies" "promotion of emancipatory interests" Anyon 2009
Neo-liberal Political ideology - focusses on the individual - freedom of choice - market society minimal govt intervention - laissez-faire economy
Neo-liberal Values - competition - buying and selling - privatisation - trickle down effect of economy
Neo-liberal Impact on education - Tomorrow's schools - Charter schools - national standards - Performance-based pay - League tables - schools become businesses
Neo-liberal Quotes "neo-liberalism is assumed to have the best potential to solve social problems and generate wealth" Sleeter 2009 "nell-liberalism is actiela dismantling public services" Sleeter 2009


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