Water Conflicts Flash Cards


A-Level Geography FlashCards sobre Water Conflicts Flash Cards, criado por mad.maddie em 05-06-2016.
FlashCards por mad.maddie, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por mad.maddie quase 9 anos atrás

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China's water supply? 8% of global water supply, 22% of global population
China's water demand? Fastest rate of increase for domestic use 240 litres/person/day 70% for irrigation
Causes of China's strain on supply? Population increase Climate change Contaminated supplies - UNICEF found 1/2 of drinking water samples in 9 provinces had unacceptably high levels of bacteria.
Consequences of China's high demand? Yellow River and major aquifers running dry Lost over 27000 rivers Beijing subsided .5-1m a year due to over extraction
India's water supply 4% of global water supply, 16% of global population
India's water demand? Demand > supply by 2020 Urban demand doubling Industrial demand tripling
Causes of India's water shortage? 43% of precipitation never reaches rivers or aquifers 21 million wells - water tables falling rapidly
Canada's water insecurity Population: 30 million GNI/person: $33000 Access to improved water: 100% Access to improved sanitation: 100% WPI: 78
Ethiopia's water insecurity Population: 62.9 million GNI/person: £170 Access to improved water: 24% Access to improved sanitation: 12%
Causes of shrinking Aral Sea? Soviet govt. diverted river water seeing sea for irrigation & agriculture
Environmental consequences of shrinking Aral Sea? By 2007 was 10% of its original size 75% surface water, 40% of groundwater polluted Salinisation
Social consequences of shrinking Aral Sea? 60,000 locals now unemployed Health problems - wind blowing dust and salt from dried sea bed High infant mortality - 10% kids die in first year
Players in shrinking Aral Sea? Soviet govt. Fishing communities Locals Farmers Engineers
What is Snowy Mountain Scheme - Australia? Water transferred from Lake Eucumbene to Murray. To irrigate farms and provide water to drought stricken areas 16 major dams, 7 power stations
Environmental consequences of SMS? Storage lake flooded and destroyed habitats and ecosystems Flow in mountains fallen to 1% of original discharge
Social consequences of SMS? Farmer vs. city dweller disputes lead Aus. govt. to invest in water saving projects
Impact of water transfers on source area? Reduced local supply Higher poverty levels Ecosystem changes Higher concentration of pollution Climate change exacerbates problems
Impact of water transfers of receiving area? Increased use for development Improved human health Encourages unsustainable irrigation Transfers pollution to new location Destroys eco systems
River Ebro transfer project - Spain Divert from lower river Ebro valley to cities and farmers in the South-East of Spain Cancelled 3 year later
Arguments for River Ebro Project International investors wanted to develop area as the 'new Florida' Desalinisation alternative not proven & expensive EU funding was available
Arguments against River Ebro Project 'Misuse of scarce resources' More recycling & efficient irrigation could be used Ebro aquifers already over extracted
Euphrates Basin Conflict 90% of supply originates in Turkey Turks want to build dam to aid irrigation & control downstream supply Iraq and Syria downstream :(
Consequences of Euphrates dam? Worsen Iraq & Syria's water quality Lower crop yields Reduce Syria's supply by 40% Climate change worsen impacts Potential water war
River Nile Conflict 80% of supply in Ethiopia/Eritrea 94% used by Egypt/Sudan Claim Ancient Egypt has natural historical right over Nile
River Nile - not conflict Anybody seen to reduce supply to Egypt is tampering with national security Threats to security of Egypt's agriculture asking for conflict
Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) Partnership 'seeks to develop river in cooperative manner' Feb 1999
Colorado River Compact 1922 Divide supply between upper & lower basin states and Mexico Allocated in 1922 Agriculture allocated 80%, California largest share due to largest population
Colorado River Conflict - environmental impacts USA extracts 90% of river water No longer reaches the sea in Mexico
Colorado River Conflict - social impacts Population rise in other states - Nevada Poor crop choice - rice requires irrigation Ongoing disputes with indigenous groups Mexican & local fisherman moved
Reliance on River Ganges? 450 million rely on water from Ganga - around 40% of population in India
Causes of strain on Ganges? Industrial cities dump waste chemicals Religious activities - food & human remains thrown in
Consequences of Ganges pollution? Unsanitary - leads to diseases e.g. Cholera, Hepatitis, Diarrhoea - deaths Activists protesting for cleaner Ganges - GAP 2000
Ganges Action Plan 2000 (GAP) $4 million campaign No untreated sewage/wastewater to enter river by 2020
3 Gorges Dam China Largest hydro power plant in the world $26 billion Beijing 8 billion m3/year
Social costs of 3 Gorges Dam Up to 1.9 million forced to move 100+ lives lost in building
Social benefits of 3 Gorges Dam 250,000 jobs created
Political costs of 3 Gorges Dam Terrorist target Protests against building
Political benefits of 3 Gorges Dam Better network for transport and trade
Economic costs of 3 Gorges Dam £62 billion Loss of land - 10% increase in food shortage Need to import grain
Economic benefits of 3 Gorges Dam Fresh water for agriculture and industry 85 billion kilowatts power/year
Environmental costs of 3 Gorges Dam 97 landslides Native river dolphin extinct
Environmental benefits of 3 Gorges Dam Flood control Reduces coal consumption 100 million tonnes less GHG pollution
SNWTP - China Began 2003 - to take 50 years $62 billion govt. sponsored 44.8 billion m3/year from south to north 2000 miles of new canals linking Yangtze to Yellow and Hai rivers
Social costs of SNWTP 330,000 people relocated Xichuan home to 162,000 migrants to be submerged
Social benefits of SNWTP Northern population greater water access Creates jobs Improved standard of living
Environmental costs of SNWTP Exacerbates pollution Less water in the south to dilute pollution - 40% China's wastewater in Yangtze
Environmental benefits of SNWTP Prevent further subsidence and drying of rivers
Economic costs of SNWTP $62 billion
Political benefits of SNWTP Central government provided 60% of schemes cost
Desalination in California 17 plants Largest in the US produces 5 million gallons/day Aquifers previously provided 60% of water demand
Benefits of desalinisation 97% of world's water = saltwater Inexhaustible supply
Costs of desalinisation High energy consumption - GHGS £5 for 1000 gallons Bring discharged is 2x a salty Only available in coastal locations
Cause of Saudi Arabia's water shortage Chronic water shortage Rising population - 29 million by 2020 Demand for water up 30% from 2010-2020 Desalinisation meets 70% of present drinking water demand
Success of Aral Sea Restoration Water levels rose in north sea by 30% in 3 years
Social costs of Aral Sea Restoration Population to rise to 75 million increasing strain 60% rely on irrigation for livelihood 75% of water contaminated due to faulty pumps
Social benefits of Aral Sea Restoration Fishermen returning to their boats Employment increasing as fish return
Political costs of Aral Sea Restoration Headwaters are in different countries so negotiations tricky Already water sensitive so conflict easily caused
Political benefits of Aral Sea Restoration Govt. providing water to citizens helping boost the economy
Environmental costs of Aral Sea Restoration Southern part of sea still shrinking - too late to restore Salinity of soil prevents crop growth
Environmental benefits of Aral Sea Restoration Salinity is decreasing Volume of sea increasing Marine life starting to return
Economic costs of Aral Sea Restoration Dam project in Kazakstan $68 million
Economic benefits of Aral Sea Restoration World bank funded $126 million in 2003 $10 million fishing Processing plant investment 80 boats operating Fishing industry attracting people back e.g. shops


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