The Hungarian Uprising


GCSE History (Unit 1: Origins of the Cold War) FlashCards sobre The Hungarian Uprising, criado por Joanna van Dyk em 05-06-2016.
Joanna van Dyk
FlashCards por Joanna van Dyk, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Joanna van Dyk
Criado por Joanna van Dyk quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Why did Hungarians oppose Soviet control? Censorship Patriotism Education Secret Police Religion Standard of living Soviet troops
Censorship there was no freedom of expression The government controlled the press, theatre, art and music
Education Children were taught a communist version of history that ignored Hungary's close links to western europe
The secret police Used terror and torture
Religion The leader of the catholic church was imprisoned Hungarians were strongly christian
Standard of living food shortages blamed on collective farming
how many refugees 200,000
the western powers realised that Despite Stalin's death Soviet leaders were determined to keep control of eastern europe and prepared to be very brutal They were powerless to influence what happened behind the iron curtain More determined to resist expansion
Kruschev could not... Afford to show any weakness


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