Comm 120 Midterm


Omo Mora
FlashCards por Omo Mora, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Omo Mora
Criado por Omo Mora mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Know the main components of a story. Characters Plot Setting
Understand the techniques employed in building up the climax of a story. Intensification- Inflexion Movement Gestures Volume and Pace Foreshadowing Embellishment and Language
Language Denotation and Connotation
Denotation Literal Meaning of a word
Connotation Implied or Emotional meaning
Know the definition of metaphor and simile and how they are used in a speech. Metaphor= Comparision of 2 unlike things without like or as Simile= A comparison of 2 unlike things using like or as
Understand the parts of Berlo’s Communication Model, their definitions, functions and be able to recognize examples. Sender Encode Channel Decode Receives Idea Idea sent back to Sender
Know the 4 types of informative speeches. 1. Description 2. Definition 3. Process/Demonstration 4. Expository
Description Describe a person place or object or event (use senses)
Definition Extended definition of a concept (dict, thesaurus, or other type of dictionary)
Process/Demonstration To show how something is done or made
Expository An exposition or explanation of a place person object or event
Be familiar with the different organizational patterns used for informative speaking. 1. Chronological 2. Topical 3. Spatial
Purposes of an introduction 1 Acquaint audience 2. Generate Interest 3. Head into topic smoothly 4. To create good will with speaker
Elements of an introduction A. Opening B. Why it's Important C. Thesis D. Summary and Main points of speech
Types of attention getting devices Vis aid Stats Quote
Forms of supporting material vis aid stats info
Parts of a transitional sentence 1. SUmmarize the point you made 2. Introduce the new idea
Reasons to verbally cite sources Credibility show where you got info and name drop
Purposes of a conclusion To finish on something and give your idea
Elements of a conclusion 1. FInal Summary (THesisi) 2. Restate points 3. Final line
Know the types of visual/audio aids and the do’s and don’ts of using them. Dont: conflict with pres no collages no title slides dont stand in front of pp dont let pp do heavylifting dont pass out stuff


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