Scottish Gaelic irregular verbs


Covers all the main forms (stem, verbal noun, basic past, linking past, basic future, relative future and linking future) for the 8 common irregular verbs.
Fiona McNeill
FlashCards por Fiona McNeill, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Fiona McNeill
Criado por Fiona McNeill mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
to say: stem Abair or can
to say: verbal noun ag ràdh
to say: basic past thuirt
to say: linking past tuirt
to say: basic future canaidh
to say: relative future chanas
to say: linking future can
to hear: stem cluinn
to hear: verbal noun a' cluinntinn
to hear: basic past chuala
to hear: linking past cuala
to hear: basic future cluinnidh
to hear: relative future chluinneas
to hear: linking future cluinn
to do: stem dèan
to do: verbal noun a' dèanamh
to do: basic past rinn
to do: linking past do rinn
to do: basic future
to do: relative future
to do: linking future dèan
to see: stem faic
to see: verbal noun a' faicinn
to see: basic past chunnaic
to see: linking past faca
to see: basic future chì
to see: relative future chì
to see: linking future faic
to get: stem faigh
to get: verbal noun a' faighinn
to get: basic past fhuair
to get: linking past dh' fhuair
to get: basic future gheibh
to get: relative future gheibh
to get: linking future faigh
to go: stem rach or theirig
to go: verbal noun a' dol
to go: basic past chaidh
to go: linking past deach
to go: basic future thèid
to go: relative future thèid
to go: linking future tèid
to come: stem thig
to come: verbal noun a' tighinn
to come: basic past thàinig
to come: linking past tàinig
to come: basic future thig
to come: relative future thig
to come: linking future tig
to give: stem thoir
to give: verbal noun a' toirt
to give: basic past thug
to give: linking past tug
to give: basic future bheir
to give: relative future bheir
to give: linking future toir


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Sem título
Português 1 - Sintaxe: Frase, Oração e Período
LEI 8112/1990