fun facts on science (CHEMISTRY)


FlashCards sobre fun facts on science (CHEMISTRY), criado por Asaaad Dawood em 19-06-2016.
Asaaad Dawood
FlashCards por Asaaad Dawood, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Asaaad Dawood
Criado por Asaaad Dawood mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
what is the natural PH of rainwater? 5.6
How can acid rain kill organisms in lakes The effects of acid rain are most clearly seen in the aquatic, or water, environments, such as streams, lakes, and marshes.
what causes the pain of heartburn? the acids from your stomach rising to your heart through your osaphagus.
Does antacids relieve heartburn? Antacids help to minimize the symptoms of heartburn.
What happens when vinegar is added to bicarbonate soda? Baking soda and vinegar react with each other because of an acid-base reaction.
why does froth appear after you mix vinegar and bicarbonate soda? the bubbles are appearing that why it starts to froth.
Recall why forest are most affected by acid rain? Because it may burn the leaves on the trees of the forst and may harm the species located at the the forest.
How does chimmines effect the effect of acid rain? Because the long chimmmeny leave out gasese to come out of the tube from after you finish a fire.
what are acid reactions? Acid-Base Reactions, When an acid and a base are placed together,
How does acid rain develop? Because nitrogen oxides are created in the process of burning coal and other fossil fuels, some power plants are changing the way they burn coal.


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