Flashcards Chapter 1


GCSE Business studies (Flashcards) FlashCards sobre Flashcards Chapter 1, criado por Ryan Buckley em 21-06-2016.
Ryan Buckley
FlashCards por Ryan Buckley, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ryan Buckley
Criado por Ryan Buckley mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Stakeholder A person or a group of people who are interested In a success of a business.
Creditors People or organisations that are owed money by a business.
Customers People who purchase goods or services from the business.
Customer service This covers all aspects of how the customer is dealt with by the business. There may be a special department that deals with customer queries or problems.
Profit The money left over from the sales of goods or services after the business has paid all of its costs. Profit=Revenue-costs
Revenue Money coming int0 the business from sales.
Suppliers People who supply goods or stock to the business.
share holders. People who invest by buying shares and become joint owners of a business. they receive a percentage of the profit the business makes In return for buying the shares.
Sponsorship A way of publicising a business by giving money for a sporting or social event in exchange for publicity of some sort.


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