Ch1_2 NIC Teaming


Exam70-410_Ch1 (Obj 1.2 CONFIGURE SERVERS: Configuring NIC teaming) FlashCards sobre Ch1_2 NIC Teaming, criado por Ninotchka White em 02-03-2014.
Ninotchka White
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Ninotchka White
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Ninotchka White
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Ninotchka White
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Ninotchka White
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Ninotchka White
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Ninotchka White
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Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Combines bandwidth of multiple network interface adapters. NIC teaming Advantage
Provides increased performance NIC teaming Advantage
Hardware independent NIC teaming Advantage
Combines multiple physical network adapters into single interface NIC teaming Advantage
Allows separate vital network functions on different systems NIC teaming Advantage
Single point of failure for all virtual machines Virtualization Disadvantage
No performance increase for large file transfers using TCP NIC teaming Disadvantage
Protection from adapter failures by dynamically moving all traffic to functioning NICs NIC teaming Advantage
Single malfunctioning network adapter, faulty switch, or unplugged cable can bring down host server and all its VMs Virtualization Disadvantage
aka bonding, balancing, and aggregation NIC teaming
Switch Independent Mode NIC teaming Mode
Switch Dependent Mode NIC teaming Mode
All network adapters connected to different switches, providing alternative routes through network Switch Independent Mode
active/active Switch Independent Mode configuration
active/standby Switch Independent Mode configuration
NIC teaming configuration that leaves all network adapters functional, providing increased through¬put active/active
NIC teaming configuration where of one adapter fails, all traffic shunted to remaining adapters active/active
NIC teaming configuration where adapter failure causes a performance reduction active/active
NIC teaming configuration where one adapter is left offline to function as failover in event active adapter fails active/standby
NIC teaming configuration where performance remains same before and after adapter failure active/standby
NIC teaming mode, network adapters connected to same switch, providing a single interface with their combined bandwidth Switch Dependent Mode
static teaming Switch Dependent Mode Configuration
Link Aggregation Control Protocol Switch Dependent Mode
generic mode balancing traffic between adapters in team Switch Dependent Mode static teaming
Two ways to create and manage NIC teams. using Server Manager or Windows PowerShell
Used to monitor status of team and team interface Server Manager
Place to view individual adapters status indicators informing if adapter goes offline Server Manager Team Monitoring
Adapter immediately switches to disconnected; adapter status may change NIC Team NIC Offline


Generic/Static Teaming
Ninotchka White
NIC Teaming Modes
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Ninotchka White
NIC Team: Switch Independent Mode
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LACP Dynamic Teaming
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