Unit 1.3 Light


FlashCards sobre Unit 1.3 Light, criado por Burhan Igdeli em 01-08-2016.
Burhan Igdeli
FlashCards por Burhan Igdeli, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Burhan Igdeli
Criado por Burhan Igdeli mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is light? A form of energy called Electro-magnetic radiation.
Name three things happens to light when its hit to a surface? -goes through it -reflects of it -gets absorbed
How does light travel? travels through an empty space in a vacuum.
What is an similarity of an electromagnetic wave and a sound wave? They travel in a wave length.
What is an difference of an electromagnetic wave and a sound wave? Sound waves need air to travel.
What is refraction? The bending of light.
How do you see a tree or any other object? Light from the sun is reflected of it and to your eyes.
Does light travel the same in every object? No it doesn't in every object.
What is a refractive index? Its a measuring scale on how light travels.
What is the speed of light (km/s) through a diamond? 124,000 kilometers in 1 second.
What is the speed of light(km/s) through air? 300,000 kilometers in 1 second.
What happens to light as the refractive index becomes higher? The light slows down.
Is a star luminous or non-luminous? A star is luminous
Is Venus the planet luminous or non-luminous? Venus the planet is Non-luminous
Is a basketball transparent, translucent or opaque? A basketball is opaque.
Is air transparent, translucent or opaque? Air is transparent.
What is the refractive index for water? The refractive index for water is 1.33
What is the refractive index for ice? The refractive index is for ice is 1.31


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