Basic Horticulture


Intro to Horticulture
Jess Belt
FlashCards por Jess Belt, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jess Belt
Criado por Jess Belt mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Three scopes of horticulture in BC Agriculture is a $1 billion industry Hort is the largest value segment of agriculture vs ranching, dairy, poultry, honey, etc Kamloops area Hort produces for the local market with the exception of ginseng and turf
Define Horticulture Latin for Garden Culture Hort- garden Cultura- culture
Horticulture employment includes... Greenhouses Vineyards Parks Nurseries Orchards Ginseng Landscaping Garden centres Turf management (golf and sports fields)
Compare horticulture to agronomy Horticulture requires intensive culture with very high imprints of capital and labour for relatively small area of land Agronomy is the use of large scale field production for grains and forage crops
Kamloops horticulture industry includes... -Ginseng and Vineyards -veg farms and orchards -greenhouses -turf -landscaping (soft and hard) -garden centers -agricultural supply


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