Glosary Unit 1


Here you cand find the meaning of some words that you will use in the Unit 1 of English Remedial V
Daniela Ibarra
FlashCards por Daniela Ibarra, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Daniela Ibarra
Criado por Daniela Ibarra quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
A part of your job that is your particular duty to deal with Area of responsability
To be the person who is responsible for someone or something Be left in charge
Bookkeeping Recording the money that an organisation or business spends and receives
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Translation: Director ejecutivo, , jefe ejecutivo, presidente ejecutivo, principal oficial ejecutivo.
Deal with To do business with a person or organisation
Human resources Translation: Recursos humanos
Responsible for something or someone In charge of
To continue to know what is happening to someone or something Keep track of
To be in control of a group of people who work together to do something Lead the team
To look at a book or computer in order to find facts about the situation, person, event, etc Look up information.
Low-end worker A person whose job is not well paid
Monitor To watch something carefully and record your results
Payroll Translation: Nómina de sueldos
A person who organises letters, meetings and telephone calls for someone with an important job Personal Assistant (PA)
Personnel The department of an organisation that deals with finding people to work there, keeping records about them, etc.
To decide which of a group of things are the most important, so that you can deal with them first Prioritise
To advertise something that is made or grown to be sold Promote a product
Purchase Compra
The process of looking at goods when they are being produced to make certain that they are of the intended standard Quality control
Recruitment Reclutamiento
A letter that is written by someone who knows you, to say if you are suitable fo a job or course Reference
The opinion that people have about someone or something based on their behaviour or character in the past Reputation
(R&D) Research and Development
Having a duty to deal with or manage someone or something Responsible for
Retailer Minorista
The health and happiness of the people who work for an organisation Staff welfare
All the goods that are available in a shop Stock
Someone who watches a person or activity and makes certain that everything is done correctly, safely, etc. Supervisor
Supplier Proveedor
To the level of quality that is oficially demanded of something To the required standards
The way two people or groups who work together feel and behave towards each other Working relationship


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