The Industrial Revolution


AP - World History
Yehun Son
FlashCards por Yehun Son, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Yehun Son
Criado por Yehun Son quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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Richard Arkwright Invented water frame spinning machine
Henry Cort Refined iron from pig iron to wrought iron Made the Puddling process
James Watt Invented the steam engine
William Murdoch 1st steam engine prototype
Richard Trethevick made the 1st train to run on tracks 10 miles
George Stephenson 1st Public Railroad Invents the Rocket
Cornelius Vanderbilt Richest family in America
Andrew Carnegie Made money from steel corporation used money for education but treated his workers very badly
John Rockfeller Oil/Petroleum believed that education was meant to produce more useful workers
Michael Sadler Got labour laws passed through Parliament Sadler Report
Edwin Chadwick Urban reformer Report on the Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain
John Snow Made a map showing where Cholera were frequently killing people Found the source of the disease
Robert Owen Cotton manufacturer, Utopian socialist tried to make New harmony but failed
Karl Marx/Freidrich Engels Worked together to make the Communist Manifesto, all the while not really knowing the workers well
Adam Smith Wealth of Nations Praised capitalists
Factory System Used machines and division for labor
Capitalists People who have money usually factory owners
Great Exhibition Exhibited UK's advancements in technology
Crystal Palace Where the Great Exhibition took place made out of glass
Poor Law Commision Detailed reports of working class bad for workers
Luddites Attacked/destroyed machines, but it didn't really affect Industrial Revolution
Chartists Aimed to achieve political democracy, voting rights for men
Trade Unions Looked to gain decent wages strikes = not working
Utopian socialists People who wanted equality wanted to create a new community
Bourgeoisie Middle class
Porletariat Working class
Agricultural Calendar 44 holidays + 50 Sundays = 94 days/year more rest in winter
Sadler Report Physically brought workers into parliament and argued for Labour Laws
1832 Cholera Pamphlet The creators didn't know the cause of Cholera Blamed the poor for not being sanitised
John Snow's Cholera Map Showed to places where Cholera is most crowded, and pinpointed the cause to be dirty water in the Broad Street Pump
Communist Manifesto talks about Class Conflict, and predicts that the Proletariats will come on top encouraged the working class to revolt
Wealth of Nations A book praising communists and the industry-based economy
Textile Industry Cloth is made by machines thanks to Arkwright and James Watt
Iron Industry Henry Cort invents "puddling" which makes iron cheaper and stronger
Transportation Trains are the main transportation at this time
Coal Industry Child labour to mine coal in very cramped tunnels
Capitalism A system when there's more profit in individuals rather than the government
Factory Act of 1833 Age limit, work hours, child labours decreased, and women labour increased
Public Health Act 1848 National Board of Health Public health boards Modern Sanitary systems
Utopian Socialism Everyone shares his/her profit equal community
Communism/revolutionary socialism everyone shares and people only take what is needed
"Gospel of Wealth" People with lots of money should use their money for the good of humanity
Chartism Political movement, but fails political democracy rights to vote(men only)
Labour law Laws limiting the kinds of people and how long child labour X working hours etc.


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