P2.5 Flashcards


GCSE Physics (Unit 2) FlashCards sobre P2.5 Flashcards, criado por Mel Hughes em 31-08-2016.
Mel Hughes
FlashCards por Mel Hughes, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Mel Hughes
Criado por Mel Hughes mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is direct current? Current that passes in one direction only
What is the potential of the neutral terminal? 0V (volts)
Why are the pins of a plug made of brass? Brass is a good conductor and does not rust or oxidise
Why must appliances with metal cases be earthed? So that the case cannot become live and electrocute you
What is a fuse? A thin wire that heats up and melts if too much current passes through it
Why don't appliances with plastic cases need to be earthed? Plastic is an insulator so it cannot become live
What is the power, in kW, of an appliance that transfers 90000J of energy in 30 seconds? 3kW
What is the power of a mains appliance that takes a current of 10A? 2300W
How much charge flows past a particular point in a circuit when a current of 2A flows for 2 minutes? 240C
How much energy is transferred when a charge of 200C flows through a resistor that has a potential difference across it of 230V? 46000J
Why can two-core cable be used for a hairdryer? The case of the hairdryer is plastic, so it doesn't need an earth
Why are filament bulbs very inefficient? They transfer a lot of energy by heating, rather than as light
What is the potential difference of the mains supply? 230V
What is the frequency of the mains supply? 50 Hz
What is the peak voltage of the mains supply? +/- 325V
What colour is the neutral wire? Blue
What does the cover on an earth wire look like? It has green and yellow stripes
Why is the outer cover of a three-pin plug made of plastic? Plastic is a good electrical insulator
What fuse should be used in a 500W mains heater? 3A
What is the unit of charge? Coulomb, C
What is a circuit breaker? An electromagnetic switch that opens and cuts off the supply if the current is bigger than a certain value
How much energy is transferred when a 2kW appliance is used for 15 second? 30000J
What is the current through a 2300W mains heater? 10A
24000J of energy are transferred when 2000C of charge flow through a bulb. What is the potential difference across the bulb? 12V


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