ETS voca


Every word taken from ETS Official GRE book.
FlashCards por sohagm007, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por sohagm007 quase 11 anos atrás

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Overshadowed To cast a shadow over; darken or obscure.
illuminate The definition of illuminate is to light something up or to explain something so that it is clear
Obscure Hard to see in the low light or hard to understand
Plausibility Seemingly true, acceptable
Entitlement Something to which you have a right
Superficiality Being on the surface
Temperance Avoiding alcohol.
Notoriety Being famous for something negative or bad
Eminence high, lofty place, or superiority in position
Tumultuous Great disturbance, uproar, chaos or noise
Providential Seem to come from a divine power
Dispassionate Someone who is calm, not influenced by emotions or without bias.
Permanently Lasting a relatively long time
Imperceptibly Not plain or distinct to the senses or the mind
Precariously Something done in an uncertain manner
Relentlessly Done in a constant or harsh way
Orthodox is someone or something that strictly adheres to religious beliefs
Eccentric is something that is not exactly circular
Trifling little importance or worth.
Conventional something widely accepted
Innovative comes up with new ideas, concepts or methods
Ameliorate improve or make better
Ascertain verify or confirm something
Diagnosed to make a diagnosis
Exacerbate make worse or more severe
Intensification intense or more intense
Improvisation act of coming up with something on the spot
Prophetic telling the future
Monotonous little or no variety
Activism direct action to achieve an end
Apathy lack of emotion or interest
Affability friendly
Deteriorate make or become worse
Incongruous doesn't fit in
Equitable is fair to all parties
Fortuitous Happening by chance
Reverence Deep respect
Fastidiousness not easy to please
Didacticism instruction
Iconoclasm actions or beliefs of an iconoclast
Polemical controversial
Deceptive misleading
Disseminate known or spread information
Debunk reveal an untruth
Copious a large amount
Acerbic bitter taste.
Scathing harshly critical
Meticulous showing extreme care
Frugality economical
Diffidence lack of confidence
Illiberality without culture; unrefined
Intolerance lack of tolerance
Fanciful imaginary in a fun way
Inconsequential unimportant
Thrift careful management of money
Rationality the quality or condition of being rational
Disinterestedness not influenced by personal interest
Insincerity the quality of being insincere
Injudicious showing poor judgment
Eclipse obscuring of light
Degrade treat someone with disrespect
Intrinsic natural or inherent
peripheral outside of the main focus
attainment act of achieving or getting something
rumination meditation
prosaic something boring
hackneyed overused
aloof distance, either physically or mentally
placid calm or quiet
restive feels nervous when criticized or controlled
skittish easy to frighten
tranquil calm and peaceful
vociferous noisily crying out
prosaic something boring
indecorous good taste
adaptation process of adapting
idiosyncrasy unusual behavior
anachronistic not in the correct time period
exotic strip tease dance
alienate no longer care
imitation look like something else
dogmatism without reference to evidence
stigmatization mark with a stigma
lionization treat as a celebrity
transcend go past defined limits
marginalization class of people less important
obscure hard to understand


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