Chapter 2, 3


Flashcards on Chapter 2, created by Megan McPherson on 10/06/2016.
Megan McPherson
FlashCards por Megan McPherson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Megan McPherson
Criado por Megan McPherson mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Initiating Trying to be likable
Experimenting Small talk, trying to find out more things about a person
Intensifying Telling secrets, "we", informal address, private symbols, verbal shortcuts
Integrating Engage in coupling: becoming one another
Bonding A public ritual that announces commitment, marriage, partnership
Differentiating Start to undo coupling, "I", individual differences come into focus
Circumscribing Quantity and quality of communication start to degrade, decreases in depth and breadth of communication
Stagnating No topic of substance is discussed, may engage in imagined interactions
Avoiding Individual tries to physically avoid their partner, disengagement, cognitive dissociation
Terminating End of relationship
Overhelping Helping someone so that you get credit for their success
Sandbanging Pretending to be weaker than you actually are to mislead your opponent
Symmetrical relationship Each partner exchanges the same sort of behavior with the other
Complementary relationship Partners exchanges different or complementary sorts of behavior
Self-fulfilling prophecy What you think gradually becomes how others behave and thus reinforces what you think


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