module 3 forces for transport pg 53


Physics FlashCards sobre module 3 forces for transport pg 53, criado por NJW330 em 22-03-2014.
FlashCards por NJW330, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por NJW330 mais de 10 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
dear nath there is a formula for speed i think you will nedd to know it ..learn it .
a mouse startin from rest reaches of 0.08 m/s in 35 secs how far does it travel in that time .
explain how to calc speed from a distance time graph .
what is the acceleration of a soggy pea flicked from rest to a speed of 14 m/s in 0.4 secs .
explain for to find speed distance and acceleration from a speed time graph.....jesus nath .
explain the differnce between mass and weight..and what is the formula for weight .
use mind map to label the forces acting on a stationary owl sat on a stationary rock good boy
describe the effect on the top speed of a car of adding a roof box..and you have to explain the answer .
describe how air resistance is affected by speed .
what is terminal speed ..what 2 main factors affect the amount of drag on a falling object .
what actor is famous for saying ...i feel the need ...the need for speed .
if an object has zero resultant force on it , can it be moving ? can it be accelerating ? .
A force of 30N pushes a trolley of mass 4kg. What will be its acceleration? .
What are the two different parts of overall stopping distance of a car? .
List all the factors which affect each of the two parts of stopping distance? .
How does thinking distance change as speed increases .
If speed doubles, what happens to the braking distance? .
A 6KG ferret has a momentum of 45kgm/s . What is its velocity? .
The same ferret is hit by a speeding vole with a force of 70N for 0.5s. Calculate the ferret's change in momentum .
Explain how seat belts, crumple zones and air bags are useful in a crash. Do a mind map Nath
How do ABS brakes make driving safer? .
A crazy dog drags a branch 12m over the next-door neighbour's fron lawn, pulling with a force of 535 N. How much work was done? .
Calculate the increase in gravitational potential energy when a box of mass 12kg is raised by 4.5m (g=10N/kg .
Find the kinetic energy of a 78kg sheep moving at 23m/s. .
How does the kinetic energy formula explain the effect of speed on the stopping distance of a car? .
At the top of a roller coaster ride a carriage has 150kj of G.P.E. Ignoring friction, how much K.E will the carriage have at the bottom (where G.P.E =0) .
Calculate the speed of a 78kg sheep just as it hits the floor after falling 20m. Ignore air resistance .
An electric motor uses 540kj of electrical energy in 4.5 mins. What is its power consumption? .
Calculate the power output of a sheep running at 20m/s exerting a force of 500 N .
Describe the relationship between the power of a car's engine and its fuel consumption. .
Give three factors that affect the fuel consumption of a car. .
Electric vehicles don't give out polluting gases directly, but they still cause pollution. Explain why? .


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