'Matters of Life' keywords


Keywords and definitions from matters of life topic, exam board AQA
FlashCards por LauraHobbit, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por LauraHobbit mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Fertility Treatment Medical help that allows people to have children
IVF In Vitro Fertilisation, or 'test tube babies'
AI Artificial Insemination (by Husband or by Donor)
Surrogacy Another woman implanted with the couple's embryo to give birth to it, then it is handed back to genetic parents.
Embryology The study of (human) embryos
Human Genetic Engineering Modification of gene make-up to change the features of a human
Embryo Fertilised ovum at about 12-14 days old
Designer Babies Babies with gender and characteristics chosen by their parents (currently illegal)
Quality of Life Places value of someone's life based on the kind of life they have
Sanctity of Life All life is sacred because it is God-given and it should not be destroyed
Savior Sibling A brother or sister born to transplant stem cells etc. into the original child, which generally has a genetic condition or fault
Cloning Creating an exact genetic copy of another being's DNA and creating a genetically identical being
Therapeutic Cloning Cloning to produce embryos to gain stem cells and to research into them
Reproductive Cloning Creating an identical copy of the organism as a method of reproduction, eg. Dolly the sheep
Human-animal hybrid embryo An embryo made from human DNA and an animal egg for purposes of experimentation
Human experimentation Testing products, usually medicines, on paid human volunteers
Transplant surgery Someone else's healthy organs are put into a patient whose organ is failing
Blood Transfusion Take blood from one (healthy) person and put it into another who needs it


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