Crime and Law


Modern Studies (Law & Order) FlashCards sobre Crime and Law, criado por shona.doyle10 em 26-03-2014.
FlashCards por shona.doyle10, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por shona.doyle10 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are the 5 types of crime? 1.Non-sexual(homicide, attempted murder, serious assault etc) 2.Sexual offences (rape/attempted, sexual assault, prostitution etc) 3. Crimes of dishonesty (Housebreaking, shoplifting, fraud) 4. Fire-raising and vandalism 5. Other (crimes against public justice, handling an offensive weapon, drugs)
What could knife crime be linked to? gang crime, need protection, peer pressure, booze and violence culture
Give 3 reasons for and against mandatory jail sentencing for carrying knives. FOR= campaigns don't work themselves 2.act deterrent's a suitable punishment AGAINST= 1.prisons will become too full 2.lead to further crime 3.not all circumstances the same
What are the main causes of crime? poverty, greed, family life
Explain the individualist and collectivist theories. Individualists (lack of ones own values, choose to commit crime, should face consequences) Collectivists (social issues must be addressed, celebrity culture, rejected from mainstream society)
What are the branches of Police Scotland? specialized departments, traffic, uniformed, criminal investigation, community relations
How can police stop crime? physical appearance, education
What are the main duties of the police? evidence in courts, maintaining public order, counter terrorism, react to emergencies
Explain the 3 levels of the court system in Scotland JP Courts (minor crimes/offences), Sheriff Courts (solemn/summary procedures), High Courts (serious crimes, murder/rape)
Why may a child be sent to a children's hearing? Beyond control of parents, missusing drugs/alcohol, not attending school
What possible actions may a children's panel take? social worker to supervise, child to go to foster home, counselling
Describe polmont prison. Young offenders 16-21, holds 830 max, most violent due to overcrowding
Why may young people binge drink? age, peer drinking, sibling drinking, school performance and rebelliousness.
What are the risks of underage drinking? obesity, hepatitis, underage sex, cancer, drug taking
Describe the reasonableness test. 'no responsible person would assume someone is over 18', ask them for ID, failure to do so can mean £5000 or 3 months in prison
What are the 3 laws related to drink (describe)? 1. Licensing (Scotland) Act = prices reduced must remain so for 3 days. 2. Alcohol and Minimum Pricing (Scotland) Act = 50p minimum price per unit of alcohol, estimated to 5.5% cut in drinking, some problem drink will not reduce in price (buckfast) 3. Alcohol (Scotland) Act = people buy more, restrictions on where promotions can be priced, banned quantity discounts in off-sales.
What were the costs of alcohol abuse in 2010? social care= £230.5m, crime= £727.1m, health care= £268.8m
What are three arguments for and against the not proven verdict? for= 1.everyone is innocent until proven guilty, beyond reasonable doubt 2.evidence given may confuse jurors and they must be allowed to say that the evidence is not conclusive. is a mature decision as a jury can not sometimes be sure whether someone 'did it' Against= is not a proper decision 2.the verdict leaves victims families with a sense of injustice 3. jurors should be able to come to a solid conclusion based on the evidence with the forensics and genetics of today.
Give three arguments for and against the death penalty. for= 1.Appropriate form of punishment for terrible crimes such as murder. 2.It acts as a deterrent to those who commit crime. 3.A huge amount of money is spent on keeping killers in jail Against= 1.Murder is wrong 2.Juries may make mistakes and convict innocent people 3.Killers may not be deterred and seek the attention it brings instead
List 8 reasons people break the law. criminal sub-culture, status frustration, peer-group pressure, poverty, boredom,alcohol and drugs, labeling and other reasons
Give 3 reasons for and against children's hearings. for= 1.It keeps the child away from adult criminal courts 2.It has the interests of the child at heart and isn't primarily to punish them 3.Early intervention may stop the child growing up to become a criminal. Against= 1.In criminal cases the child doesn't have access to a lawyer 2.Children's hearings could be too soft for some 3.The range of options may be limited (can't fine parent/child)
give 3 reasons for and against prisons for= 1.Deter people from committing crime. 2.Punish those who break the law 3.Keep the public safe Against= 1.Person may learn more about crime 2. 'revolving doors', people keep coming back 3.Costs huge amount of money £30,000per prisoner/year


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