Criado por j.donaldson97
quase 11 anos atrás
Questão | Responda |
How was Natural Law created? | By bringing together biblical teachings with ancient greek philosophy |
What type of theory is Natural Law? | - Deontological - Objective - Absolute |
How can God's purpose be determined? | - Watching the natural world - Reading divine scriptures - Watching natural human behaviour |
What does our reason naturally seek? | Knowledge and truth. When it is applied to actions our reason seeks harmony with others. Our desires and our reason was createdby God to seek what is good. |
Hiearchy | Eternal Law: Principles by which God governs the universe. Divine Law: Refers to the bible which guides us in our goal to perfection. Natutal Law: Human beings naturally desire what is good and to avoid evil. Human Law: Laws humans make for themselves. |
Apparent Good | This occurs when you follow your reasoning but it is faulty and you arrive at an incorrect moral decision. |
Primary Precepts | - Preserve innocent life - Maintain orderly living in society -Worship God -Reproduce to continue species - Educate children Seen as FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES that must be followed in order to achieve the required ends. |
Secondary Precepts | Created from the Primary Precepts in order to make Natural Law more flexible, so it can apply to different times and cultures. |
Sin | For someone to sin meant they were to fall short of what God intended humans to be. |
Cardinal Virtues | -Prudence - wisdom -Fortitude - Courage -Temperance - Moderation -Justice |
Supernatural/Revealed Virtues | Virtues from the Bible - Faith - Chairty -Hope |
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