

- What is an Operating System (OS)? - Functions of an OS - Functions of a computer system - Binary language - Conversion of digital Storage - Byte and bits - Relationship between Hardware, Operating System, Application, and User
Syabil Hafizdini
FlashCards por Syabil Hafizdini, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Syabil Hafizdini
Criado por Syabil Hafizdini mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are the functions of an OS? - An operating system (OS) controls the Processor management, Memory management, Storage management, and Device management of a system. - Provides a consistent and simplified platform for application development and execution. - Provide an interface for human-computer interaction. - Mac OS, Windows, Linux, and ETC.
Conversion table of Digital Storage
What are the functions of an OS? - An operating system (OS) controls the Processor management, Memory management, Storage management, and Device management of a system. - Provides a consistent and simplified platform for application development and execution. - Provide an interface for human-computer interaction. - Mac OS, Windows, Linux, and ETC.
What are the major functions of a computer system? - Input, output, process and store.
What are the major functions of a computer system? - Input, output, process and store.
What language does the computer understand? - Binary language.
Language used by digital computer? - Binary language.
What are the digits in binary language? - 0's and 1's.
How many bits (binary digits) are in a byte? - There are 8 bits in one byte.
How many bits (binary digits) are in a byte? - There are 8 bits in one byte.
What is a Hardware? - It is the physical, material part of a computer or a system that is connected to the computer. - E.G Motherboard, mouse & keyboard, speaker, and ETC.
What is an Operating System? - A low-level software that handles the interface to peripheral hardware, schedule tasks, allocate storage and presents a common interface to the user. - E.G Windows 10, Mac OS and ETC.
What is an Application? - A complete, self-contained program that performs a specific function directly for the user. - E.G League of Legends, Google Chrome and ETC.
What is a User? - Any person, organization, process, device, program, protocol or system which uses a service provided by others. - E.G Humans.
What are the two types of user-interfaces which an OS provides to the user? - Command-Driven Interface - Graphical User Interface (GUI)
The relationship between Hardware, Operating System, Application and User
How does the OS communicate with the hardware devices and how does it work? - Each device connected to the computer has a device driver to facilitate the communication between the device and the computer. - The device driver translates the device's specialized commands into commands that the OS understands, and vice-versa.
How does an application communicate with the OS to use the services of the OS and the computer hardware? - Applications communicate with the OS via the Application Programming Interface (API) which allow access to services offered by the OS.


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