The Berlin Wall


Adam Collinge
FlashCards por Adam Collinge, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Adam Collinge
Criado por Adam Collinge mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Give the four summits between the USSR and USA. 1) May 1959- Geneva 2) September 1959- Eisenhower met Khrushchev in the USA 3) May 1960- Second E.-K. meeting- Paris 4) June 1961- Meeting between Khrushchev and Kennedy in Vienna
Why did Khrushchev deliver his Ultimatum? Because Germans could not be allowed to escape to the West through Berlin
What was Khrushchev's ultimatum? November 1958- Berlin was East German and any Western powers must leave the city within 6 months
How did the USA try to solve the Berlin crisis? To set up conferences
Why did the USA not want to leave Berlin? It would have been humiliating
Why did the USA not want to aggravate K.? It may have resulted in war
Why was the May 1960 Summit a disaster? A US Spy plane had been shot down within Russia and Eisenhower refused to appologise
Why was the final summit only agreed upon? As there was a new president but neither side were willing to back down
What did Kennedy do after the final conference? Preparing his people for war
Why did JFK's visit to West Berlin in 1963 have a huge impact? His speech made West Berlin into a symbol of freedom
Why did Khrushchev not want a nuclear war? He knew the USSR could not win it
What happend to the West in Berlin? They stayed there
What was Khrushchev's alternative to conflict? He built the Berlin wall in August 1961
Why was the Berlin wall terrifying? Anyone trying to escape was shot. Guards and dogs patrolled the wall etc.
Why did the Wall benefit K.? He avoided war but still looked strong


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