The Cuban Missile Crisis: how did it start?


Adam Collinge
FlashCards por Adam Collinge, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Adam Collinge
Criado por Adam Collinge mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What finally changed in Cuba in 1959? The Cuban Revolution ended putting a Communist Castro in power
Where did Cuba turn when the USA tried to bring it back under its sphere of influence? the USSR
How was Cuba closely linked to the USA before 1959? Many US-businesses were in Cuba
What was a major effect between the USA and Cuba after the 1959 socialist revolution? The USA refused to deal with the new Cuban government
Give an example of an economic link between the USSR and Cuba. Trading Soviet oil for Cuban sugar
What did the flourishing relationship between Cuba and the USSR mean to the USA? Relationships with Cuba deteriorated
What did the Americans try to do to bring Cuba back under their sphere of influence? Assassinate Castro- they failed
What did the USA finally do to restore a Capitalist government in Cuba? The CIA convinced Kennedy to invade Cuba
When did the Bay of Pigs start? 17th April 1961
What three things did the CIA tell Kennedy? 1) The invasion would look like a Cuban revolt 2) Castro had little control in Cuba 3) Most Cubans hated Castro
Why did the Pay of Pigs invasion fail? 1) The planes were recognized as US so the World knew that the US had backed the invasion 2) Castro knew of the invasion and had more troops than America 3) Most Cubans didn't want the old leader back as he was corrupt
What were the main impacts of the Bay of Pigs invasion? 1) Ended all chance of a friendly US-Cuban relationship 2) Castro announced he was a Communist 3) Cuba and the USSR started to build close ties- including military defense for Cuba
Who was Castro? A lawyer who headed the Cuban Socialist revolution. he then became Cuba's leader


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