Wired and wireless networks.


GCSE Computing FlashCards sobre Wired and wireless networks., criado por Isaac Quinn em 17-11-2016.
Isaac Quinn
FlashCards por Isaac Quinn, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Isaac Quinn
Criado por Isaac Quinn aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is the Internet? A collection of INTER-conected networks
What is a WAN? A WAN is any computer network that spans a large geographical area e.g. British Telecom.
What is the internet of things? Moblie devices, parking meters, thermostats, roads, cars ,supermarket sheleves, kitchen appliances, dogs, cats...
What is an IP address? It is like a networks adress each network as its own UNIQUE IP address.
What is packet switching? A packet is a peice of data from a communication data that is sent through the internet. It is ussually around 512 bytes and has a header containing: where its going, where its is from, the sequence number of it, the number of packets in the whole communication, Error checking data.(packets contain the same number of bytes.
How are packets sent? They are sent across various routes throgh the internet and reassembled at the end.
What happens if packets are damaged or lost. They are resent after a request.
What is a DNS? DNS is a Domain Name System. It means that you can type in google.co.uk ,for example, and it finds the DNS and the requests IP address which then loads on to your screen.
How many DNS root servers are there? 13
Can your IP address change? Yes it depends on what network you are on.
What is a MAC address? A Media Access Control address controls how your computer connects to networks. Each device has its own and may have more than one e.g. one for wireless, Bluetooth, Ethernet ...
Why doesn't the internet find a computer using MAC addresses? The geographical place of a device is found through an IP adress
What is a LAN? A local area network.
What is the difference between WAN and LAN? WAN covers a large geographical area LAN is a small one.
Name some advantages of networking. Shares resources. Access your files from any occupation on network. Data can be easily be backed up if on a server.
Name some disadvantages of networking computers. Can be expensive to buy and upkeep. May need staff to look after network. Viruses may infect every computer on network.
Name two LAN topologies Star and mesh.
Name two advantages of a star LAN Fast data transfer. If one cable fails network stays other nodes stay online.
Name two disadvantages of a star LAN Requires central hardware. If central device fail whole network goes down.
A full mesh network looks like This
A partial mesh network looks like This
How do mesh networks use nodes? Like routers for information.
How big can mesh network get? Theoreticly infinite.
How many nodes need wired Internet connection in a mesh network? 1
Name advantages and disadvantages of mesh networking.. I'm lazy
What hardware is needed for a stand alone pm to join a LAN? A nic. A router or switch.
Describe a router hub and switch.
What is an ethernet protocol? It describes how devices should format data ready for transmission between computers on the same network.
What's an ethernet cable? A standard ethernet cable uses twisted pair cabling or fibre optics.
How does Ethernet transmission work? Same as the Internet but all nodes receive files only the intended recipient opens it. Lost or faulty packets are resent.
How do virtual networks work?
Why does wireless signal vary throughout my house? Objects walls and other signals can get in the way.
What's a wireless nic? A normal is that cam connect to wireless networks these can be in phones, pics and wireless speakers.
What's a wap? A wireless access point. It allows wireless devices to a wired network.
What five frequencies does 802.11 standard use? 2.4,3.6,4.9,5,5.9,GHz.
Compare 2.4GHz and 5GHz channels advantages and disadvantages.
What's encryption? Data on networks can be intercepted and read if measures to protect this is called encryption.
What does plaintext mean? The original message to be encrypted.
What does ciphertext mean? The encrypted message
What does encryption mean? The process of converting plaintext to ciphertext.
What is a key? A sequence of numbers used to encrypt or decrypt data often using a mathematical formula.
What is an encryption algorithm? The formula for encrypting the plaintext.
What's a private key? A single key used to encrypt and decrypt a message must be given to the recipient to decide the data.
What's a public key? Two keys are used on to encrypt one to decrypt. More secure as you don't have to send or reveal your encryption key.
What's the Ceasar shift cipher? Made by Julius Ceasar, it means each letter of the alphabet is moved on by n positions this Is a private key.
What are the two ways to try to decrypt a message? Brute-Force attack and non-brute-force attack.
List advantages of a client server network.
What's odd about a peer to peer structure? It has no server only clients.
Why us a peer to peer server good? It is easy to set up, devices such as printers can be shared, files are easily shared and no special software is required.
Drawbacks of a peer to peer network. Weak to viruses, data backup and recovery is not done centrally and other people could have bad organisation.
Client v peer to peer servers fight
Peer to peers uses on a WAN? File sharing sites like pirate Bay.
What is hosting? An Internet host is a company that is able to store your files and make them available to you or others on Internet connected computers e.g. YouTube.
What's the cloud? It is term that refers to data's stored on remote servers so you can access the file from any Internet device.
What is SaaS? Software as a service. It means you can access footage on any Internet device without it installed on a local machine often on a subscription basis.
Name advantages of cloud computing
And disadvantages of cloud computing
Name three ways computers transfer data Copper cable. Fibre optics. WiFi.
Compare copper cable, fibre optics and wireless transmissions.
Name the four factors that affect network performance. Bandwidth. Latency. Error/collision rate. Retransmission rate.
Explain how bandwidth can limit data transfer. You can only fit so much data through one cable, or waves through the air (before the get mixed up).
What is Latency? Latency is how far it has to physically travel. Like when people on the news always seem to wait a minute before answering.
Explain error collisions and Retransmissions Errors and high network traffic may result in collisions. When packets collide they are corrupted or lost. Lost or damaged packets are resent which could take longer with bandwidth or Latency.
What is a protocol? A protocol is a set of rules followed by computers.
What are HTTP and HTTPS? Hypertext transfer protocol(is used used to access and receive HTML files on the Internet. The protocol requests the web server to upload the requested web page to the user's browser.) HTTPS is this but encrypted so it can't be understood if hacked.
What is FTP? File Transfer Protocol is used to send or receive files to or from a remote server or client.
How does email work? Mail servers pass on or store emails until they are collected. You must log into a mail server to collect mail.
What are POP and IMAP? These are email retrieval protocols. POP downloads entire messages to the device whereas IMAP only downloads the header until the message is opened and will leave it on the server
What is SMTP? Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is used to transfer email between remote email servers.
What are TCO and IP? Transmission Control Protocol breaks up messages sent over the Internet into packets, reassembled the packets at the other end, detects errors and resend lost messages. IP protocol routes individual packets.
What makes up the TCP/IP stack in order? Application layer. Transport layer. Network layer. Link layer.
How is data sent through the TCP/IP stack? The application you are using determines the correct protocol to use to communicate. Then the transport layer creates a connection between the two computers (hosts) the computer agree on communication size like packet size etcpackets are the numbered sent and reassembled by the recipients transport layer, lost packets are resent. The packets then go to the network layer, where routers operate, then the destination addresses are written. Onto the packets ready for transmission. Packets are then sent to the link layer which is the physical hardware connecting the two hosts e.g. Cables. When received packets go back up through the recipient's layers where the link layer removes the mac address, the network layer removes the IP address before sending it to the transport layer where packets are reassembled. Then data is passed to the application layer which chooses the correct protocol to display the data.
List the advantages of layers. They are self-contained. Diffrent hardware or software operates on a Diffrent layer providing interoperability between providers.


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