Writing Devices


Main types of writing device
FlashCards por blarkin8295, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por blarkin8295 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Rhetorical questions A question where the answer is obvious
Ellipsis Builds suspense/shows there is more to say
Second person direct appeal Use of ‘you’ to make the reader feel involved
Exaggeration Suggesting something is better than it is.
First person plural ‘We’ suggests a sense of unity/the reader has something in common with the writer.
Sarcasm To ridicule or mock someone/something by saying the opposite of what you mean
Imperatives To order or command
Alliteration Words beginning with the same letter
Pun A play on words, often used in titles
Emotive language Words that appeal to our feelings
Informal tone Deliberately relaxed language to make the reader feel at ease.


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