states of matter


questions based on the three states of matter (CHEMISTRY)
Ilyass Jalloh
FlashCards por Ilyass Jalloh, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ilyass Jalloh
Criado por Ilyass Jalloh mais de 8 anos atrás

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Safi Flashcards Science States of Matter
Wht are the three states of matter Solids Liquids Gases
What are the propoties of a solid? They have a fixed shape and cannot flow. The particles cannot move from place to place. They cannot be compressed or squashed. The particles are close together and have no space to move into.
What are the propoties of a Liquid? The particles in a liquid are: close together arranged in a random way The particles in a liquid can: move around each other The bonds in a liquid are strong enough to keep the particles close together, but weak enough to let them move around each other. The table shows some of the properties of liquids and why they are like thisThey flow and take the shape of their container. The particles can move around each other. They cannot be compressed or squashed. The particles are close together and have no space to move into..
What are the propoties of a gas? The particles in a gas are: far apart arranged in a random way The particles in a gas can: move quickly in all directions There are no bonds between the particles in a gas, so they are free to move in any direction.They flow and completely fill their container. The particles can move quickly in all directions. They can be compressed or squashed. The particles are far apart and have space to move into
What is Diffusion? Diffusion is whe particles move from high cncentration to low concentration.
What is concentration? the relative amount of a particular substance contained within a solution or mixture or in a particular volume of space
What states of matters can be diffused and why is this? Liquids and gases can be diffused because because there particles are more free whereas a solid can not be diffused since they are tightly packed together so it can not move from high to low concentration.
What are the factors which affect speed of Diffusion? Factors which could affect the speed of diffusion would be tempreature because the hotter the tempreature the quicker it diffuses since they have more energy and also density affects the speed of diffusion because a liuid is more dense then a gas therefore diffusion happens quicker in a gas because particles move completeley free.
What is soluble and insoluble? Soluble = a substance that can dissolve e.g salt insoluble=a substance that can not dissolve e.g sand
What is a Chemical change and a Physical change? A Chemical change new particles are formed . Also in chemical changes it wouls make a pop sound change colour or fizz. A physical change is where the state of matter changes.
What do you call the main stages of changing a gas to liquid liquid to gas liquid to a solid solid to liquid solid to liquid = melting liquid to gas = evapouration (boiling) gas to liquid =condensing liquid to solid = freezing


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