computing keyword flashcard by K1MBO


be honest!!!!!!! :D
lil_KIMBO .
FlashCards por lil_KIMBO ., atualizado more than 1 year ago
lil_KIMBO .
Criado por lil_KIMBO . mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
ITERATION In computer programming, this is a single pass through a set of instructions.
KEYWORD An important word that will return accurate search results.
LOGICAL REASONING The application of rules to solve problem solving.
LOOP A method used in programming to repeat a set of instructions.
NOTATION A system of written symbols or graphics used to represent something in order to aid communication.
OUTPUT Either an exit or changes which exit a system and which activate or modify a process.
PATTERN RECOGNITION Finding similarities and patterns in order to solve complex problems more efficiently.
PROGRAM Sequences of instructions for a computer.
PROGRAMMING The process of writing software.
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE A language used by a programmer to write a piece of software. There are many programming languages.
PSEUDOCODE A method of writing a set of instructions for a computer program using plain English. This is a good way of planning a program before coding
SELECTION A decisions within a computer program when the program decides to move on based on results of an event.
SEQUENCE In computer programming this is a set of actions that follow one from another.
SERIAL SEARCH A simple method of searching, in which the search moves from one item to the next in sequence, until either a match is found or end of the data is reached with no match found.
SORTED When things are put into order e.g largest to smallest.
SPECIFICATION A statement that tells the designer exactly what the product has to do and what the design requirements are.
SYNTAX Rules governing how to write statements in a programming language
VARIABLE In a computer program, this is a memory location where values are sorted.


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