Attachment overview


Psychology (Attachment) FlashCards sobre Attachment overview, criado por Megan McLean em 02-04-2014.
Megan McLean
FlashCards por Megan McLean, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Megan McLean
Criado por Megan McLean mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Identify three points relating to classical conditioning on how it can explain attachment Learning through association UCS produces unconditioned reflex Food UCS makes dog salivate
What is operant conditioning? Learning occurs when we are rewarded or punished for a desirable or undesirable action
Evaluate Learning Theory Contact comfort more important than food- Harlow Adequate explanation of how attachments form Human studies challenge importance of food- Schaffer and Emerson
What is Bowlby's Theory? (7 points) 1.Attachment is adaptive and innate 2. Critical period 3. Social releasers 4. Secure base 5. Monotrophy and hierarchy 6. Internal working model 7. Continuity hypothesis
Strengths of Bowlby's theory Imprinting in non-human animals- Lorenz Sensitive period- Hodges and Tizard Universality- Tronick et al. Monotropy and hierarchy- Tronick et al; Schaffer and Emerson; Blum Caregiver sensitivity- Schaffer and Emerson; Harlow and Carlson Continuity- Sroufe et al
Weaknesses of Bowlby Multiple attachments- Rutter and Grosmann and Grosmann Temperment hypothesis
Explain Ainsworth's study into attachment 1. Parent and child play 2. Parent sits while child plays 3. Stranger enters 4. Parent leaves, stranger comforts. 5. Parent returns, stranger leaves 6. Parent leaves child aone 7. Stranger enters 8. Parent returns
What behaviour is studied in Ainsworth's study? Secure base Stranger anxiety Separation anxiety Reunion behaviour Separation anxiety Stranger anxiety Reunion behaviour
Describe and explain the three types of attachment Secure attachment- Normal type, harmonious cooperative relationship Insecure-avoidant - avoid social interactions, avoids contacts. Insecure- resistant - Want contact, then become angry and avoid contact.


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