The Breathing System


honours Science FlashCards sobre The Breathing System, criado por lalalucy13 em 02-04-2014.
FlashCards por lalalucy13, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por lalalucy13 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are the functions of the breathing system? *To take in oxygen gas * To excrete carbon dioxide gas * To excrete water vapour
What is external respiration? External Respiration is a physical process that transfers gases between the body and the outside world.
When taking in a breath. What happens? *The diaphram pulls downwards. *The rib cage expands
What are the parts of the breathing system? Larynx, Trachea, Lungs, Broncus, Bronchiole, Alveoli, Intercostal Muscles, Ribcage, Diaphram, Rings of Cartilage
Whats the name given to the tiny blood vessels that cover the outside of the Alveoli? Capillaries
Gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide pass through the capillaries by a process called _______ Diffusion
What % of Oxygen do we breathe in? 21%
What % of Carbon dioxide to we breathe in? 0.03%
What % of oxygen do we breathe out? 16%
What % of Carbon dioxide do we breathe out? 4%
Some harmless effects of smoking; Lung cancer, bad nails and teeth, bad breath, throat cancer, asthma and bronchitis get worse.
What is breathing also known as? External Respirtation
Oxygen gas leaves the alveoli and enters the bloodsteam Carbon dioxide gas leaves the bloodstream and enters the alveoli.
This swapping of gas is called ______ ____________ Gaseous Exchange


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