Munich Putsch 1923- History


Danielle Vincent
FlashCards por Danielle Vincent, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Danielle Vincent
Criado por Danielle Vincent quase 8 anos atrás

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Munich Putsch 1923: -Hitler gathered a large group of unemployed young men and soldiers- (The SA). -These attacked other political groups. -Hitler wanted to start a revolution- Took over Munich with Kahr and Lossow (two Nationalist politicians). -Hitler told the SA to rebel. -4th October Kahr and Lossow called the rebellion off. -3000 troops were ready to fight. -Hitler and 600 troops burst into a meeting, Kahr and Lossow were holding- Beer hall.
-SA took over newspaper offices and people were forced to rebel. -9th of November- Hitler and his Nazis marched into Munich. -Kahr had called the police and army reinforcements, resulting in them killing 16 Nazis. -Hitler fled but was arrested 2 days later. -The Munich Putsch was a failure. Revolution Definition= Overthrowing a government by force and setting up a new government in its place.


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