Year 7 Probability


GCSE Maths (Year 7) FlashCards sobre Year 7 Probability, criado por Ellen Billingham em 05-05-2013.
Ellen Billingham
FlashCards por Ellen Billingham, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ellen Billingham
Criado por Ellen Billingham quase 12 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is the probability scale? It is a line that is used to show how likely something is to happen. It ranges from impossible to certain.
What does impossible mean? Something that will never happen. It is not possible.
What is the next word up from impossible on the probability scale? Unlikely
What does unlikely mean? Something that probably won't happen, but it is possible.
What is next up from unlikely? Even chance
What does even chance mean? That something is just as likely to happen as it is not to happen.
What is next up from even chance? Likely
What does likely mean? When something is probably going to happen, but it might not.
What is the final word on the probability scale? Certain
What does certain mean? When something is definitely going to happen and there is no chance of it not happening.
What is the probability that you will turn 540 years old next Wednesday? Impossible
If you toss a coin, what is the probability of it being tails? Even chance
If there is a bag which has 10 sweets in, 5 red, 2 yellow and 3 green, what is the probability that I pick out a red one? 5/10 = 1/2
How do you find relative frequency? Relative frequency = Number of times an event occurs / Number of times the test is repeated
Is probability written as a decimal or a fraction? Experimental probability is written as a decimal, but theoretical is a fraction
How would you work out the probability of rolling an even number on a dice? Probability = The number of even numbers (3) divided by the number of possible outcomes (6) p(even number) = 3/6


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