Chapter 13


GCSE Business studies FlashCards sobre Chapter 13, criado por Kirstie Fox em 30-11-2016.
Kirstie Fox
FlashCards por Kirstie Fox, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Kirstie Fox
Criado por Kirstie Fox aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs order (top to bottom) Self actualization(relizing your full potential) esteem needs(being respected by others of your accomplishment) social needs (being loved,befriended) Safety needs(feeling safe and sheltered from harm) Phsiological needs (needing food,water, and sleep)
Importance of motivated workers Higher productivity Higher effiently Increase of moral/time
Methods of pay Time rate overtime salary piece rate comission bonus profit sharing Fringe benefits
Time rate How much you get paid per an hour/day
Overtime rate paying for hours outside your salary
piece rate paid a rate per finished item that is made
Commission A percentage of money they get for each sale made
Bonus More money you get depending on performance
Profit-Sharing staff increased motivation so at the end of the year the higher money get disputed
fringe benefits Perks of working for a business that is not direct pay


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