Command words used in exam questions


Understanding question keywords, or command words,
victoria fiol
FlashCards por victoria fiol, atualizado more than 1 year ago
victoria fiol
Criado por victoria fiol mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Analyse Separate information into components and identify their characteristics.
Annotate Add notation or labelling to a graph, diagram or other drawing.
Apply Put into effect in a recognised way.
Argue Present a reasoned case.
Assess Make an informed judgment
Calculate Work out the value of something.
Comment Present an informed opinion.
Compare Identify similarities and’ or differences.
Complete Finish a task by adding to given information.
Consider Review and respond to given information.
Contrast Identify differences.
Criticise Access worth against explicit information.
Debate Present different/opposing perspectives on an issue.
Deduce Draw conclusions from information provided.
Define Specify meaning.
Describe Give an account of.
Design Set out how something will be done
Determine Use given data or information to obtain an answer.
Develop Take forward or build upon an idea or given information
Discuss Present key points.
Distinguish List the differences between different items.
Estimate Assign an appropriate value
Evaluate Judge from available evidence
Examine Investigate closely.
Explain Give reasons.
Explore Investigate without preconceptions about the outcome.
Give Produce an answer from recall or from given information.
Identify Name or otherwise characterise.
Illustrate Present clarifying examples
Interpret Translate information into recognisable form.
Justify Support case with evidence.
List List a number of features or points without further elaboration.
Label Provide appropriate names on a diagram.
Name Identify using a recognised technical term.
Outline Set out main characteristics
Predict Give a plausible outcome.
Prove Demonstrate validity on the basis of evidence
Relate Demonstrate connections between items.
Review Survey information.
State Express in clear terms
Suggest Present a possible case.
Summarise Present principle thoughts without detail.


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