Social Theory


Basic sociological theory key concepts
Yasmine King
FlashCards por Yasmine King, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Yasmine King
Criado por Yasmine King mais de 7 anos atrás

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Theory Theory is an idea or a reason why something has happened. For example why the 2011 riots happened
Theoretical perspective A set of ideas or reasons why something has happened
Macro Perspective You look at or study changes to the whole of society
Micro Perspective Based on the study of individual or small group behaviour
Consensus Consensus in society is about how social order is maintained. From a consensus perspective everyone agrees on social norms and values. People work together to maintain society. Functionalism is based on this notion.
Conflict Conflict theories- these are theories that believe that society is based on a series of conflicts. Marxism and Feminism are conflict theories
Feudalism An agricultural society defined by the seasons ie harvest
Industrial Revolution Population grows, rational thought, scientific reason and parliamentary rule
Modernity A period loosely identified with the Industrial Revolution or the Enlightenment. Modern era based on changes to norms, values and attitudes at the time of the industrial revolution.
Post Modernity After modernity a period associated with changes in technology migration and globalisation during the 1970's which charged values, attitudes and culture.
Capitalism (marxist concepts) Property is owned privately. It is driven by free enterprise and business and their is a focus on the individual and his/her own progress in life
Communism (marxist concepts) Wealth is distributed equally. Things are provided by the state. Property and media are state owned. The focus is on the progress of the community as a whole
Bourgeoisie (Marxist Concepts) Ruling class, those who own the means of production
Proletariat (Marxist Concepts) Working class those who do not own any but their labour
Exploitation (marxist Concepts) Is the idea that the working class is paid less than they should for their work but because they are easily replaced it carries on
Alienation (marxist concepts) Is where the workers are kept separate from each other and they do not recognise similarities to each other
False class consciousness (marxist concepts) The Proletariat are not truly aware of their class position and the fact they are exploited workers. They believe that they have a chance to become wealthy but this is false
Ruling class ideology (marxist concepts) The Bourgeoisie submit a message. Reinforce and justify that ruling class power and blind the subject class to their exploitation
Neo Marxism (marxist concepts) Contemporary Marxists who have taken his idea in different directions they agree the principle of exploitation, Oppression, class conflict and class struggle remain highly relevant.
Organic Analogy (Functionalist concepts) Society is like a human body. Like a body society is reliant on all its interconnecting parts and institutions to work effectively
Value Consensus (Functionalist Concepts) An agreement over basis morals and values of society
Meritocracy (Functionalist Concepts) Is a social system in which people receive rewards such as higher pay or promotion on the basis of merit or ability
Patriarchy (Feminist Concepts) A social system in which men have all the power
Suffragette Movement (Feminist Concepts) Members of women's organisation, right to vote movements in the late 19th and early 20th century
Radical Feminism The most extreme views. Men are the enemy. Men dominate and oppress women in society. Women are exploited for the benefit of men. Concerned with rape and domestic violence. They are the smallest group
Marxist Feminism In capitalist societies women are exploited through capitalism as they are paid less than men. They are exploited in the home because they carry out unpaid house work and child care.
Liberal Feminism The so called differences between men and women are not biological but the result of gender role socialisation
Black Feminism White Feminists have ignored the position of ethnic minority women. They suffer double disadvantage as they are oppressed by racism and by patriarchy
Post Feminism Challenges assumptions around gender identities. Explores a more complex range of factors influencing women's experiences
Labelling (Interactionalist concepts) The idea that one social actor (powerful) applies a label to another less powerful individual
Self fulfilling prophecy (Interactionalist Concepts) When a social actor lives up to a label that has been applied
Moral Panic ( Interactionalist Concepts) The media exaggerate the level of deviant behaviour and possibly reinforce it
Deviancy Amplification (Interactionalist Concept) When deviant behaviour gets worse because of media exaggeration and moral panic
Popular Culture (Postmodernist Concept) Can be seen as the opposite to high culture as it is associated with shallow activities that can be accessed by the masses through the media
Multiculturalism (Postmodernist Concept) Refers to the idea that the UK society is now made up of a variety of different ethnic groups and cultures who all mix together
Consumer Culture (Postmodernist Concept) Related to what we buy/ consume in society. People often portray a sense of identity through what they buy/wear
Global Culture (Postmodernist Concept) Global cultures have emerged as a result of globalisation the process by which the world has become inter-connected socially, politically and economically
Hybridity (Postmodernist Concept) The mixture of two or more different identities or cullture
New Gender Identities (Postmodernist Concept) The blurring of norms and values associated with hegemonic masculinity and femininity
Hybrid Ethnic Identities (Postmodernist Concepts) The mixing of two or more different ethnic identities to form a new culture
Super Rich (Postmodernist Concepts) People who have achieved their wealth (and often status and fame) through hard work and merit
New Working Class (Postmodernist Concepts) The labour market has changed to a service sector economy. The sense of working class identities has changed and solidarity has weakened.


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