

FlashCards por sumibal, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por sumibal mais de 10 anos atrás

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Giroux 1997 Youth representation is an 'empty category'- no substance because representation is often an adults view, reflecting their concerns and anxieties, made by adults.
Cohen 1972 'Folk Devils'- FD emerge in society, all adult anxieties are reflected into 1 small group=moral panic, everyone blaming them, thinking if they were kept in their place society would be better. Demonisation.
Gramsci Hegemony- dominant social group (adults generally) keep an oppressed group in an obedient position. Society is run by adults, anyone who challenges it is a threat.
Bentley Creativity- the making of the new and rearranging of the old.
John Fiske Connotation & Denotation- Denotation is what is filmed, connotation is how it is filmed.
Bordwell & Thomas Four main parts of mise-en-scene- setting, lighting, blocking & costume.
Claude Levi-Strauss Binary opposition- constant creation of conflict/opposition, driving the narrative. e.g- male/female, light/dark
Graham Burton Audience split into 2 groups- each individual broken down into social group (social influences) & media group (media influences)
Vladimir Propp 8 main character types- hero, villain, donor, dispatcher, false-hero, helper, princess, her father.
Allan Cameron 4 types of narratives that reflect time, and how its manipulated. Anachromic, forking paths, episodic, split screen
Richard Dyer 4 questions we should ask about representation theory- 1. How is it representing the world to us? 2. What does the text suggest to be typical and what is not? 3. Who is the text speaking to? 4. What is represented to us?
McGraw 'There is no reality, only perceptions'- all media representations are biased, like Chinese whispers-telling a representation of events.
Mulvey 'The Bond Gaze'- objectifies women, (sex object), males in control as the camera is through male eyes. Audience get pleasure from film through voyeurism because of the power.
Tzvetan Todorov Equilibrium & Disequilibrium- Equilibrium (normality) is disrupted by change, brings disequilibrium, then equilibrium is restored.
Rick Altman No such thing as 'pure' genre. Genre is progressive-it will always change. Audience become tired of the same formula, so know genre survives on hybridisation.
Steve Neale 'No pleasure without difference'- Audiences get bored of repeating conventions, but they know what to expect from generic conventions which attracts them, but need some different conventions to keep them interested.
Jaques Derrida Anti-genre- 'films participate in rather than belong to certain genres'. Films take on aspects of many genres rather than follow the conventions of one.
Geoff King People will always like the same genre, the consistency allows audience to anticipate- audience expectations.
Thomas Leitch The mise-en-scene and intent of the film is what decides its genre. e.g- intent to make us laugh-comedy. Dark lighting-thriller.


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