Topic 9 Budegts and Forecasts > key terms


FlashCards sobre Topic 9 Budegts and Forecasts > key terms, criado por Dawn S_akura em 27-12-2016.
Dawn  S_akura
FlashCards por Dawn S_akura, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Dawn  S_akura
Criado por Dawn S_akura aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

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Budget Deficit a situation in which outgoings exceed income
Budget Surplus a sum of money available once all the essential (+mandatory) expenditures in a given period e.g. a month, has been made
Cash flow forecast a plan of expected incomings and outgoings over several time periods ,such as the next three months
Consumer Price Index [CPI] one of the means the government uses to measure inflation. it is calculated by checking the price of a representative sample of goods on a monthly basis -this enables statisticians to measure how much prices are rising or falling
Discretionary expenditure voluntary spending on products and services that people want now, and saving towards items they aspire to buy in the future
Dividend a payment of profits from a company to its shareholders , often at twice-annually intervals, either as cash or (depending on the plan) as further shares or reacquisition of shares
Duty the tax paid on certain items, including fuel, cigarettes and alcohol
Essential expenditure spending on items required to live, e.g. rent or mortgage repayments, food and drink, water supplier, gas and electricity
Income earnings, savings and interest payments received within a certain timeframe
Income tax tax paid on earnings from employment, self-employment and interest on savings
Inflation the rise in prices = the fall in the purchasing power of money
Insurance products that give financial protection against certain events e.g. someone who has travel insurance might be able to claim back the cost of a holiday if they have to cancel through illness.
Investments money paid into financial products; the aim is that the value of the product will grow over time and so the person will eventually receive back more money than they paid in. these are a way of saving over the medium or long term
mandatory expenditure compulsory outings; they do not necessarily apply to everyone but if they do apply, they must be paid.
needs things that people must have to survive, such as food basic clothing, a place to live
Office for National Statistics the independent organisation that provides statistics on many aspects of life in the UK such as employment, health, life expectancy in different areas of the country, housing etc.
Pension an income that people receive after retiring from work. . In the UK these are provided -by the state and can also be provided -from schemes run from the persons former employer -or arrangements that they have made for themselves (private)
Premium bond a lottery bond, issued by NS&I entered into a monthly prize draw with tax-free prizes aka : "premiums". they must be held for a full calendar month after the month in which they were purchased and retail an equal chance of winning until cashed in
Real terms a value adjusted to account for the changes in prices. e.g. although someone may receive a nominal pay increase of 5%, if inflation is 3% then in real terms the pay increase is approximately 5% - 3% =2%
Retail Price Index [RPI] one of the ways the government measure inflation. It is calculated by checking the price of the representative sample of goods on a monthly basis but unlike CPI it takes into account mortgage interest payments and other costs associated with home ownership
Self-employment earning an income by selling your goods or services directly to a consumer, rather than being employed by someone else and being paid a wage or salary
Utility an essential public service such as electricity, gas , water and sewerage
Wants things that people would like to have but can survive without, such as entertainment, fashionable clothes, etc


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