What is a sensory cue?


What is a sensory cue? Piece of information that we can gather from the environment What is a signal?
Dylan Vaughan-Williams
FlashCards por Dylan Vaughan-Williams, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Dylan Vaughan-Williams
Criado por Dylan Vaughan-Williams mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
define a signal energy or matter generated by the display or action of one organism (the signaller) that is (selected evolution) for its effects in influencing the probability pattern of behaviour of another organism (the receiver) via its sensory-nervous system in a fashion that is adaptive to one or both parties
what is the example of signal found in the californa ground sqauirel it flags its tail to warn snake predators, heating up its tail only in the prescence of snake s
how might signals have evolved through ritualization andsensory expoiation/ sensory bias
what are the sensory cue that wolves are said to produce Baring teeth Urination as autonomic fear response Intention movements Ambivalent behaviour
how are ritualized sensory cues made increasing the likelyhood through selection of cues. generally makes the animals intentions more clear. the cue is seleced for decreased ambiguity
in the sense of ritualization how did the peacocks tail feathers get bigger Food enticement behaviour starts with the bird going down to get food and pushing the tail feathers up the femails where attracted to the tail feathers so the tail feathers got bigger
what was the example of ritualization in masked birchcaterpillars Vibratory display (anal scraping, mandible drumming, mandible scraping) to intruders
what is important about hte Tethea species in relation to the birchcaterpillar its very similar but doesnt have the anal oar so it can't produce the scrpaing sound
how did the ritualiztion evolve in the birchcaterpillars the walking signal evolved first then the scraping signal. if over catapilars could more easily sense the walking then conflict was less likely


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