Topic 2: The Value and Importance of Good Quality Information


AS IT FlashCards sobre Topic 2: The Value and Importance of Good Quality Information, criado por lauramyates3 em 07-04-2014.
FlashCards por lauramyates3, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por lauramyates3 quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
How information aids decision making (general) Provides more relevant information; allows remedial action and allows you to predict the future.
4 key things that good quality information allows you to do Spot trends Monitor progress Targeting resources Aids decision making
Give example for monitoring progress in a supermarket Supermarket staff judged on performance comparing time taken to process customers for speed and quality of staff
Give example for spot trends in a supermarket Walls ice cream selling better than own brand over the year
Give example for the targeting of resources in a supermarket Supermarket stock control system ensures stock always available when needed and where it is needed using the just in time delivery to the correct place such as if Morrisons in Paignton ran out of herbal tea.
What do the 4 key things provide overall to the organisation and give example Competitive advantage E.g. supermarket knowing amount of barbeque food sold by a store in hot weather in order to anticipate customer demand compared to their competitors.
Name and describe the key things that good quality information must be Accurate- correct and contains no errors Up-to-date- latest details Complete- no omissions Relevant - for the audience Understandable- Meaning should be clear to user- may draw wrong conclusions when making future decisions if over complex Correctly targeted - Question should be targeted at people who are going to use it
Give example for accurate Customers DOB on letter sent by a solicitor might be 13/12/84 but typed 12/13/84, it would pass format check 99/99/99 but not ACCURATE
Give 2 example for relevant (supermarket and solicitors) Email sent to all clients when about costs associated with divorce- should only go to married clients There is not point using information about baby product sales to design an advertising campaign aimed at single men.
Give example for up-to-date in a supermarket No good having mailing list if addresses no longer correct- people move house, mail sent to old address still until updated- out of date list is of no value.
Give example for complete in solicitors Not including postcode on letter resulting in letter being received late by client going for a court appearance so they would miss it.
Give example of correctly targeted in a solicitors Question about changing the deeds on a house to people that are currently renting is not going to be useful.
Give example for understandable in a supermarket Manager might misunderstand complex table and order wrong items
Human resource cost for data collection Cost of training staff
Human resource cost for data entry Cost of training staff & using specialist staff to manage SIMS
Human resource cost for Data Processing/Maintenance Specialist staff give instructions to system Staff employed to analyse and maintain data and produce meaningful reports
Time cost for data collection Collecting data from customers
Time cost for data entry Cost of the entry of data
Time cost for data maintenance/processing Processing and backing up large amounts of data takes time
Financial cost for data collection Paying educational testing organisations for CAT scores in a school
Financial cost for data entry Cost of purchasing and using hardware to run system like SIMS
Financial cost of data processing/maintenance Cost of consumables


Topic 6(d): Uses of ICT in the Home- Entertainment
Topic 6(a): Business - CAD/CAM
Topic 1: Data, Information and Knowledge
Topic 6(c):Uses of ICT in Health
Topic 6(a): Business Supermarkets
Topic 6(d): Uses of ICT in the Home- Online Banking
Info 2
Topic 3: Quality of Information
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