
Kitchen Equipment
Jaymeshia Wiggins
FlashCards por Jaymeshia Wiggins, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jaymeshia Wiggins
Criado por Jaymeshia Wiggins aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Horizontal Cutter Mixer This mixer cuts, mixes, and blends food quickly with a high-speed horizontal rotating blade that is housed in a large bowl with a tight cover.
Mandoline A manually operated slicer made of stainless steel with adjustable slicing blades to slice and julienne. Its narrow, rectangular body sits on the work counter at a 45-degree angle. It is useful for slicing small quantities of fruit or vegetables, situations where a large electric slicer isn't necessary.
Meat Grinder A free-standing machine or an attachment for a standing mixer. Food is dropped in through a feed tube, pulled along by a metal worm, and then cut by blades as the food is forced out through the grinder plate.
Meat Slicer Most have a slanted circular blade. Food either passes through the machine automatically, or a cook pushes a hopper holding the product along a carriage into the blade. The thickness of the slicer is set by increasing and decreasing the distance between the guide plate and the blade.
Mixer Available in 5-quart, 20-quart, 60-quart, and 80-quart sizes. Used to mix and process large amounts of food with any number of specialized attachments, including paddles, wire whips, dough hooks, meat grinders, shredders, slicers, and juicers.
Flat Beater Paddle Used in a mixer to mix, mash, and cream soft food items.
Wire Whip Small tools of different sizes and heaviness used to mix, beat, and stir food.
Wing Whip A heavier version of the wire whip; used in a mixer to whip, cream, and mash heavier food items.
Pastry Knife Used in a mixer to mix shortening into dough.
Dough Arm A mixture attachment used to mix heavy, thick dough.
Horizontal Cutter Mixer
Meat Grinder
Meat Slicer
Flat Beater Paddle
Wire Whip
Wing Whip
Pastry Knife
Dough Arm


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