RS Belief about Deity Unit


Flashcards which have everything needed for belief about deity ocr philosophy and ethics
Rain Ahmed
FlashCards por Rain Ahmed, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rain Ahmed
Criado por Rain Ahmed mais de 7 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
What does transcendent mean? God is above everything
What does immanent mean? God is within the world
What does impersonal mean? God is mysterious and holy, beyond our understanding
What does it mean when God is personal? A friend, who is concerned about people's feelings. Understanding.
How does the Bible describe God? A judge, a father and a shepherd.
What is anthropomorphism? Describing God using words related to humans, can be seen as belittling God as he is omnipotent, etc.
1 John 4:!2 "No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another God lives in us" - God is too powerful for us to see but if we "love thy neighbour" the power of God will be in us
Exodus 33:20b, God says: "You cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live" - God is transcendent, too powerful for humans to handle
What does the Holy Trinity represent? Three aspects of God. -God who is the father, the transcendent creator -God who is Son, Jesus who is God incarnate, immanent and personal, who came to earth and lived a human life -God who is Holy Spirit, immanent but impersonal, the way God inspires and guides Christians every day
Significance of calling God 'father'? Jesus taught his disciples to begin their prayers with the words 'Our Father'. God the Father is kind and merciful, but also just and fair. God is close to and cares for the smallest part of his creation. Christians believe in God's transcendence and immanence.
What is the ontological argument? -Flaws? St Anselm of Canterbury. God exists because we cannot think of anything greater, if God did not exist we would not come up with descriptions for God. -Flaw is that it says we can know the nature of an unknowable God
What is the cosmological argument? -Flaws? St Thomas Aquinas. Everything in the universe has a cause, something cannot come from nothing. The cause of this is God. -If everything has a cause then who created God? *The Kalam Cosmo argument contradicts the flaw: God does not have a start in time as he is eternal and immanent, he does not need a cause. *Aquinas also said God is a 'necessary being', God mus exist; he cannot not exist. There was not a time where God didn't exist.
What is the teleological argument? -Flaws? Isaac Newton and William Paley. The world fits perfectly for humans, it cannot have come about by chance. Newton argued about the human thumb, Paley used a watch. Also, earth's position, death needed to stop overpopulation. Linked to Goldilocks effect. -Flaws are that the body can become ill, natural disasters and design of the human person. Also, there is still a chance that the world came about without God, that chance must be considered.
Significance of natural selection theory? Charles Darwin. Challenged teleological argument by saying all life developed through genetic mutations and adaptations. Survival of the fittest, no design in this process.
What is the argument from experience? Some Christians argue that they have had personal experiences that prove the existence of God. E.g. Pam Reynolds claims she had an outer body experience while she was having surgery, doctors say she might have been hallucinating under anaesthetic.
What is the moral argument? Immanuel Kant. Says people have a basic understanding of right and wrong, this knowledge must have come from God. John Newman argued that the presence of the conscience shows God's existence.
What is a miracle? A supernatural event that defies the laws of nature
What is a deity? A supreme or divine being
What are the main miracles in Christianity? -Resurrection of Jesus -Immaculate conception
Why was the resurrection of Jesus so important? Jesus was crucified on a cross. This was a sacrifice which allowed mankind's sins to be forgiven. He came back to life 3 days later which represents the afterlife all Christians can have. Because of the sacrifice of Jesus mankind can have their sins absolved and become forgiven.
Why is Lourdes significant? At the beginning, St Bernadette saw the Virgin Mary in a grotto. She then saw an apparition to move the same soil where a spring and well came out. This well is believed to hold healing and spiritual powers.
Who accepts/rejects the miracles in Lourdes? Roman Catholics believe in the miraculous powers of Lourdes whereas Protestants reject the idea as this was not found in the Bible.
Support of Lourdes? Lourdes International Medical Committee fully investigate miracles, 69 have been deemed true so far.
Opinion of David Hume on miracles? He believes a wise person will not believe in miracles because we have empirical evidence of the laws of nature. We see them every day, gravity, death. -Opposition are the 69 miracles proven from Lourdes and the resurrection of Jesus
Opinion of Maurice Wiles on miracles? Says that only an inconsistent and unloving God would use miracles and to pick out specific people to help while leaving others to suffer. Believes in God but the only miracle he believes in is the gift of life -Opposition is that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead but not everyone. Cured one blind man but not all blind people. Not everyone gets life, miscarriage, abortion, still birth.
Opinion of David Jenkins on miracles? 'conjuring tricks' Thinks insisting Christians accept everything as the truth makes Christianity hard to swallow for modern people. Thinks we should be critical of miracles -69 were proved in Lourdes
Opinion of Thomas Aquinas on miracles? A miracle is God's intervention. It has beneficial consequences for the recipient and might break the laws of nature and it might not.
Why is Jesus considered a saviour? Jesus atoned (took the punishment of death for mankind) so God's forgiveness could be open to anyone by dying on the cross.
Significance of the parable of the lost sheep? "More rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents" Luke 15 - God will always try to save and help those who are going astray because he is omnibenevolent. He has given free will but guides Christians every day.
What is Parousia? The return of Christ, the day he will come to judge the dead and alive. Christians believe that this dramatic event will automatically bring Judgement because people will no longer have the opportunity to choose to believe.


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