

Religous Language FlashCards sobre Myth, criado por Zoe Bone em 09-01-2017.
Zoe Bone
FlashCards por Zoe Bone, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Zoe Bone
Criado por Zoe Bone mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What can be concluded about answering questions to do with the totality of life? These questions cannot be answered using cognitive language, but need to be known non-cognitively
What is myth? symbolic narratives telling stories of God, gods, goddesses etc they embody and express claims that cannot be expressed in any other way, must never be taken literally, they communicate values and beliefs
What did F.D.Strauss suggest about myths in the bible thanks to the rise of rationalism? we need to shift the focus from the 'story of a miraculous occurrence to the STORY of miraculous occurrences, so focus on the notion of the story, suggesting religious truths are being told in the form of a story not an objectively true narrative
What did John MAcQuarrie say about myth in relation to symbol? he criticises Tillich's theory that symbols participate in the thing they are symbolising, but argues for the use of myths. Religious language is rooted in mythology, says the bible uses fictional stories to convey objective truths
What does MacQuarrie say about the types of myth in the bible? - creation myths (Adam&Eve) - good v. evil myths (Heaven/Hell) - birth myths (Virgin Mary)
What does Emily Durkheim argue about myths? they are the constructs of society and not objective realities. She states that myths change as societies change but reflect the values of the society at the time
What does Jaspers say about myths? 1. they express intuitive insights 2. are stories a bout God not external realities 3. they carry meaning
Who famously supports myth? Rudolf Bultmann
What does he argue in his book "The New Testament and Mythology"? 1. the new testament worldview is mythological and out of date 2. to really understand the message of the NT it must be demythologised 3. We need a radical approach to the NT which eliminate unnecessary myth
What is the Kerygma? the abiding truth Bultmann wanted to access this, to do so we have to demythologise religious language, he believed myth made it harder for the modern mind to access the truth of the New Testament
What is the Kerygma of Jesus' Return? Bultmann argues it should not be understood literally, we should understand it as giving hope for the future of human existence
In what respects does Bultmann perceives Liberal Theology as inadequate? 1. what is can deliver historically, too much of it is focused on trying to present God in our own image 2. fatih in Jesus is a matter of personal trust and commitment and is rooted in the existential orientation of the believer
What was the demythologising program? an essay delivered to pastors
What is a myth for Bultmann? an attempt to express what is non-objective in objective terms
What is the demythologising programme? the job of the theological interpreter to express faith in the correct idiom, to take expressions of faith out of a false form of objectivity, into a more existential form of expression.
What does MAcQuarrie say about Myth? argues for the existential response, if we understand myths in relation to our own existence then they become meaningful
What does Durkheim say about Myth? they embody society's belief and values
What does Bergson say about myth? that they help us to overcome fears
What can be said to credit myth? the stories are meaningful and memorable, and arguably an effective way of conveying truth
What could we accuse Bultmann of? secularising the bible
What does this theory disregard? the historical basis of christianity
What can be said against this theory? - meaning of myths can be lost in time - not compatible with scientific truths - how do we distinguish what is myth or real? - people may interpret myth differently
What does Dawkins say against myth/ argues that myths taken literally (like Hell) are damaging, particularly to children, he calls this cosmic child abuse


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