Ethics: Religion and Human Relationships Unit


everything covered from ocr book
Rain Ahmed
FlashCards por Rain Ahmed, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rain Ahmed
Criado por Rain Ahmed mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are the two traditional roles and men? Mother and Wife
How is Jezebel portrayed in the Bible? Promiscuous and murderous because she convinced her husband to worship other Gods. Seems that women must be submissive and obedient to their husbands
How is Delilah portrayed? Cunning and deceitful because she left her husband for money. Shows that women should be submissive otherwise they will lead their husbands astray.
How is Mary Magdalene portrayed? Controversy; was Jesus' favourite but not counted as a disciple. Suggests humans cause inequality not religion, women can be priests as Jesus allowed Mary to surround him
How is Esther portrayed? Equally powerful, influential and brave. Convinces her husband to stop Haman killing the Jews. Saves a whole race. Women can be just as brave as men.
Roman Catholic view of roles of women? -Must be mothers - Women should raise children to be Christian and good people Ezekiel 16:44 "As is the mother, as is the daughter"
Why are mothers so important in Christianity? 'Mother' appears 300 times in Bible. Faith would die if it was not for mothers, fate of mankind rests on the shoulders of women as the mothers of mankind.
Evidence of women being inferior in Bible? Genesis 2:18 "I will make a suitable helper for him" 1 Timothy 2:12 "I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent" 1 Corinthians 14:34 "The woman are to keep silent in the churches"
Modern vies om roles of women in Christianity? -Jesus appeared to Mary M first after his resurrection - Galatians 3:28 "There is neither...male or female, for you are all one in Christ"
What are civil partnerships? Legal recognition of a same-sex relationship with a registry office ceremony (non-religious)
What are same-sex marriages? Allows for the ceremony to take place in a religious institution if that is allowed by the instituition
Which churches conduct same-sex marriages? -Scottish free church -The Quakers -The Anglican church in Wales -Unitarian churches
What is the anti-gay agenda? Belief that homosexuality isn't something you're born with, it is an immoral lifestyle. It can be cured by conversion therapy.
What is Natural Law? Acts that are only good if they fulfil God's purpose
Roman Catholic view on homosexuality? The purpose of sex is for procreation, therefore any sexual act that does not have the possibility of this result is immoral. Therefore, homosexual relations are immoral and so are partnerships/marriages between them. However, the sexual act is seen as evil, having homosexual thoughts and not acting on them would be fine.
Church of England view on homosexuality? They do not accept s-s marriage and homosexuality. Suggest that homosexual acts fall short of God's ideal and heterosexual marriage is the only proper context for sex. But they accept homo believers that truly believer being gay is right for them, unless they are vicars.
Methodist view on being gay? Mixed views, taking two year period of reflection of whether they will allow s-s marriage in heir churches.
Liberal views on homosexuality? Jesus taught people to love their neighbour and welcomed those who were rejected by wider society. Many Christians from different churches are supportive of gay relationships and marriage. Many Christians are open about their faith and sexuality. They might uphold values of monogamy and abstinence until marriage but with partners of same sex.


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