Nazis: Opposition, Control and Consent


A level History FlashCards sobre Nazis: Opposition, Control and Consent , criado por Matt Smith em 12-01-2017.
Matt Smith
FlashCards por Matt Smith, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Matt Smith
Criado por Matt Smith aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Red Orchestra A group of government employees who coordinated with the USSR
Red Shock Troop Socialist resistance group mainly made up of students in Berlin - published newspapers
Operation SOPADE Exile organisation of the SPD in Prague 1933-37 and also in Paris 1937-40
New Beginning Group SPD fringe group which met in private to discuss the future direction of German politics
Anti-Facist Workers Group Resistance group set up during the war
People's Court (Volksgerichtshof) Nazi court operating outside of the existing court system and law. Dealt with 'political crimes' without referring to the legal system
Edelweiss Pirates Working class youths painted anti-Nazi slogans and sang anti-Nazi songs
Swing Movement Youth who didn't want to join the Hitler Youth. Listened to jazz music and dressed differently
The White Rose Munich university students who produced anti-Nazi material and anti-Nazi graffiti
Protestant Church Leader pastors spoke out against the NAzi church, new Nazi Evangelical Church created
Catholic Church Leading bishops criticized Nazi policies and two were arrested but then released due to public outcry
Assassination Attempts 6 attempts to assassinate Hitler. July 1944 Army plot bomb should have succeeded
Kristallnacht One of the first large scale acts of violence against Jews and their Synagogues
Nuremberg Laws Exclude Jews from many areas of life. Above any other laws


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