cardohydrates flash cards


psychology biology pe drama biology (unit 1) FlashCards sobre cardohydrates flash cards , criado por jazzballet em 09-04-2014.
FlashCards por jazzballet, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jazzballet mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
monosaccharaides glucose C6H12O6
test for reducing sugars small amount of food sample (if not already liquid-grind with water) add = benedict reagent heat for 5 minuets orange-brick red = reducing sugar
disaccharides glucose+glucose=maltose glucose+fructose=sucrose glucose+galactose=lactose
when 2 molecules join and a water molecule is removed...... ......condensation reaction-glycosidic bond
when water is added to the disaccharide and bond are broken hydrolysis
test for non-reducing sugars if not liquid grind with water add dilute hydrochloric acid and heat for 5 minuets (acid will hydrolyse disaccharides) add sodium hydrogencarbonate to nutralise. add benedicts reagent and heat orange brown- brick red=reducing sugars
test for starch add iodine to the sample black/blue= starch
starch brake down physical brake down in the mouth-teeth(large SA) salivary amylase hydrolyse starch into maltose stomach acid denatures them SI-pancreatic amylase hydrolyse starch to maltose...and lining produces maltase-enzyme that hydrolyses maltose into alpha glucose
lactose intolerance some people don't produce lactase so lactose is not hydrolysed. in LI microorganisms brake it down producing gas=bloating, nausea, diarrhea, cramps.


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