Classical Civilisation: Augustus


A-Level History FlashCards sobre Classical Civilisation: Augustus, criado por Grace Bennett em 20-01-2017.
Grace Bennett
FlashCards por Grace Bennett, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Grace Bennett
Criado por Grace Bennett aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

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What was the aftermath of Caesar's assassination? -Consul Antony had disappeared, Praetors Brutus and Cassius were the senior magistrates, Cicero advised them to summon the senate however they refused and this delay proved to be crucial.
Why was Rome in a weak position after Caesar's assassination? -The conspirators considered themselves liberators of the Republic , however they didn't take any thought as to how Rome would be governed after Caesar's death.
What was the position of the republic after Caesar's death? -Only 17 consulares alive due to civil war. -Very few senior statesmen were left to guide the republic, with Cicero as Princeps Senatus.
How did Antony manoeuvre himself to a supreme position after Caesar's death? -Antony took advantage of the confusion following Caesar's death, by seizing Caesar's will and treasury. -He persuaded the senate to confirm all of Caesar's acts legal and obtained permission to speak at Caesar's public funeral. -The min conspirators left for their provinces assigned by Caesar after the funeral.
What were some of the main contents of Caesar's will? -300 sesterces to every Roman citizen. -His heir was to be Octavius, his great nephew.
During Caesar's assassination were was Octavius? -Octavius was currently at Apollonia in Macedonia, training with the legions to prepare for the Parthian campaign.
How did Octavius start to grow his support base? -As news spread of Caesar's death, military tribunes and centurions offered their condolences, and offering their support. -Now that he was Caesar's heir, his name would also give him influence, however it was also a threat.
After his arrival back in Italy what does Octavius do? -He begins to call himself Caesar to give his actions a sense of legitimacy, which had tremendous appeal, and his use of it represents his first political reinvention. -Octavius did not yet have funds to make a successful entry into politics, so he probably expropriated a portion of the 700 million sesterces in the war chest for the Parthian campaign.
What was Octavius's next step? -His step was to legitimize Caesar's adoption of him, but when he met with Antony he dismissed him, as Antony saw him as an inconvenience. -So Octavius left Rome, however when he returns to Rome he is still ignored by Antony.
What issues did Octavius face back in Rome after he had returned? -Octavius needed money fast, so borrowed heavily in order to fulfil Caesar's will, in order to get the support of the people of Rome. -This was the start of Augustan propaganda, as it makes him look good as he is honouring the will so much he goes into debt.
How did Octavius as well as borrowing gain money? -He, without permission, possibly expropriated the annual tribute that was sent by the eastern provinces.
How did Octavius further bolster his position? -Began to bolster his troops with Caesar's veteran legionaries and troops meant for Parthian. -Furthermore, on his march to Rome, Octavius's presence and acquired wealth won over Caesar's former veterans stationed in Campania.
What quote from the Res Gestae resonates with this period? -In Res Gestae 1, Augustus states "At the age of nineteen on my own responsibility and at my own expense".
What event magnified his popularity and gives him more legitimacy? -Caesar during his dictatorship was voted to have games in his honour to commemorate his victory at Pharsalus. Octavius decided to combine it with funeral games allowing him to hold gladiatorial fights. -During the games, a long haired star was seen and was recognised as Caesar ascending to heaven, was named Caesar's astrum. Octavius believed the star was a sign of his rise to greatness, and sold assets to hold the games reflecting well on himself.
What were some factors which led to Antony fleeing to Cisalpine Gaul in 43BC? -Octavius began to appeal to the optimates, with Cicero beginning to attack Antony in the Philippics. -Octavius had already built up an illegal army by recruiting Caesarian veterans however in November he won over two of Antony's legions.
Why when Octavius called a public meeting in Rome was it not meet well? -As the attack on Antony for his hostility to Octavius and his actions didn't appeal to veterans and no senators attended.
Why did the senate led by Cicero back Octavius against Antony? And how did they back him? -As they saw Antony as a bigger threat so Cicero using his rhetoric championed Octavian's cause so on the 1st of January in 43BC Octavian's army was legitimised with a grant of pro-praetorian power with the rank of quaestor.
Why were these powers given to Octavius important? -As Octavius was now an official representative of the senate and with his force as well as the forces of Pansa and Hirtius they prepared to move against Antony who had began to besiege Brutus at Mutina.
How did the Battle of Mutina play out? -Octavius and Hirtius defeated Antony, however Hirtius was killed leaving both the army and Republic leaderless. -Octavius with pro-praetorian imperium, was now in command of 8 legions and although the senate ordered he handed command to Brutus he refused. -Pansa was dying from his wounds and in his last hours he warned Octavius not to trust Cicero and the senate. -Octavian refused to cooperate with Brutus whose legions began to desert him for Octavius.
What did the Senate do after the battle? -They assumed that now they were free of the risk of Antony they could side line Octavius. With Brutus being awarded a triumph and Octavius being palmed off with an ovation. -Brutus and Cassius were awarded command in Macedonia and Syria, and Octavius realised with this that if Antony was defeated his father's assassins would rule Rome.
Why was the situation in Rome unstable during this time? -As Antony was preparing to return to Cisalpine Gaul with reinforced forces. -Octavius was pointedly omitted from a commission to distribute land to veterans, making him insistent I his requests for a consulship with Cicero.
What did Octavius do in July 43BC? -Octavius entered Rome with a small number of troops demanding consulship, however was refused by the senate. -So he assembled his troops and marched on Rome, so the Senate gave him permission to stand for Senate, however this was withdrawn when rumours spread that Brutus and Cassius were on their way back to support the Senate.
How was Octavius eventually elected for consul? -He set 40 centurions to the senate, one of which drew his sword and announced, 'Either you elect him, or this will.'
When was Octavius elected consul? And what did he do when he was elected? -19th August 43 BC, Octavius and his uncle/cousin Pedius were elected consuls. -Adoption of Octavius was ratified, liberators declared murderers, all decrees made against Antony were revoked and the reminder of Caesar's legacy paid.
Why was Octavian's position still unstable although he was now consul? -Antony after retreating he crossed the alps with 17 legions and 10,000 cavalry. -Across the Adriatic sea, Cassius and Brutus had illegally gained control of most of the Eastern empire.
What attempts did Octavius make in order to improve his position? -In November, under the pretence of preparing his army for campaign Octavian moved and met with Antony, while Pedius repealed decrees that declared Antony a public enemy.
What happened when Octavius, Antony and Lepidus met? -They met on an island near Bononia where they made the treaty of Bononia forming a 'Board of three for organising the state' also known as 'Triumiri Rei Publicae Constituendae Consulari Potestate' - Triumvirs for confirming the Republic with Consular Power. -They also created proscription lists containing Cicero's name
How did Octavian and Antony avenge Caesar's assassination? -The Battle of Philippi.
What successes and failures did Octavian have in the battle of Philippi? -At the first battle, Octavian had satay in his tent during the battle due to bad health, while Antony won against Cassius who took his own life, Octavian was overrun by Brutus and had -At the 2nd battle, Octavian had recovered and defeated Brutus overrunning his camp. -The battles of Philippi signaled the end of the Republican cause.
Following Philippi, how was the Roman Empire now controlled? -Antony got control of the East, with Octavian getting Italy and most of the west. -Lepidus sidelined with by the others got Africa.
What was Octavian's position now? -Octavian now had the sole control of Italy, with Lepidus being essentially neutralised and Antony in the East. -However, he was faced with a major problem with 40,000 veterans needing to be settled, Octavian solved this by the forcible eviction of inhabitants from 18 towns.
How did these evicted inhabitants become an issue? -As they found a leader in Consul Lucius Antonius, Antony's brother, whom it is possible was encouraged by Antony to keep Octavian's popularity in check in Italy.
How did tensions with Consul Lucius rise? -Tensions eventually escalated into war when Octavian divorced Antony's step-daughter(although this marriage was not consummated so didn't really count).
How did tensions further escalate? -It eventually escalated into the Perusine War, Lucius gathered members of the senate and they tried to declare the Triumvirate illegal and Octavian an enemy of the state. -However, due to the successful settling of the veterans, soldiers depended on Octavian and were more dangerous than some dispossessed landowners. -Lucius eventually fled to Perusia.
How did Octavian deal with Lucius further? -In 41BC, Octavian laid siege to Perusia and in 40BC Perusia was starved into submission. -Lucius was spared by Octavian and made governor of Spain, however the senators who had taken refuge with Lucius were massacred and the town given to his soldiers.
How did Octavian strengthen his position further? -When the Antonian governor of Gaul died, Octavian took advantage of the situation by transferring the region to his own command.
How did Octavian's actions provoke Antony? And how did Octavian respond? -Antony sought to strengthen his own position by joining forces with Sextus Pompeius, who had seized control of Sicily. -Octavian responded by marrying Scribona the sister of the Sextus's father in law. -Antony responded by moving west in 40BC besieging Brundisium, and Octavian ordered Agrippa to move his forces to Brundisium, this looked to be Civil war.
Why did the Triumvirate appear to be over? And how was it salvaged? -It appeared to be over it looked like civil war was looming, however neither army was keen for war and negotiations were opened up instead, and in 40BC the Treaty of Brundisium was created.
What were the terms of the Treaty of Brundisium? -Octavian would rule Spain, Gaul and retain most of the West. -Antony would rule all the Eastern provinces. And would marry Octavia, Octavian's sister. -Italy would remain a recruiting ground for both Octavian and Antony. -Lepidus retained Africa. -Sextus Pompeius would be left with Sicily.
How did the Treaty of Brundisium however make more issues for Octavian? -Sextus Pompeius was not pleased with the terms of the treaty, so he responded by blockading Italy preventing Italy from getting its grain imports. -As Italy began to starve, the triumvirs popularity began to fall, so Octavian was forced to come to terms with Sextus so in 39 him and Antony met with Sextus where the Treaty of Misenum was arranged.
What were the terms of the treaty of Misenum? -Sextus was promised consulship of 38BC and Corsica and Sicily in return for guaranteeing Rome's grain supply and withdrawing his troops from Italy.
How did the treaty of Misenum create a problem for Octavian? -The treaty of Misenum create an issue for Octavian as it gave too much power to Sextus although it solved the issue of the grain supply, so Octavian began to prepare for war with Sextus. -So Octavian divorced Scribonia the day after she gave birth to Julia, possibly to emphasise his renunciation of the Treaty of Misenum. He married Livia Drusilla.
How did Octavian's marriage to Livia cause scandal? -As, Livia had a son and was 6 months pregnant when she married Octavian. The manner at which Octavian secured the marriage was also scandalous. However, Octavian brushed off criticism, with the marriage lasting til his death in 14AD. -This could be either his devotion to his wife or that the marriage itself was extremely advantageous as it secured his link with Roman aristocracy.
Did the treaty of Misenum last? -The treaty was short-lived; with Antony returning to the east, to Cleopatra. -In 38BC, when Sextus didn't receive the Peloponnese he blockaded Italy again. -However, Agrippa lost no time in building up Octavian's fleet and building Portus Julius. - However, Octavian lost two naval battles once at Cumae and again off Messina, so requested additional support from Antony.
How did Octavian meet with Antony in order to get additional support? -The two met in Tarentum in 37BC, although Antony was angry at being distracted from his Parthian campaigns he needed to recruit experienced troops. -The talks were doomed to failure when Antony refused to be placated .
What were the terms of the treaty of Tarentum? -Antony agreed to provide Octavian with ships and their admirals. -In return Octavian promised to send 20,000 legionaries to Antony, however this promise was never fulfilled with Octavian only sending 2000 men. -The Triumvirate was renewed for another 5 years which was formally ratified by the Assembly of the Plebs.
What happened in the Battle of Naulochus? -Although Octavian was ready to confront Sextus he was defeated. -Agrippa along with Lepidus from Africa landed on Sicily and pushed inland. -Agrippa ultimately brought down Sextus in 36BC.
What happened after the battle of Naulochus? -Sextus fled east and was eventually caught by one off Antony's generals who at Antony's instruction executed Sextus. -Lepidus strengthened by legions surrendering to him in Sicily, with this he tried to seize Sicily, however in a show of bravery Octavian walked into Lepidus's camp and exerted his authority as adopted son and heir of Caesar. Lepidus's forces immediately declared allegiance to Octavian.
How did Octavian deal with Lepidus? -Octavian stripped Lepidus off his triumviral powers and allowed him to stay as Pontifex Maximus, in order not to offend religious traditions.
How did the aftermath lead to the beginnings of a ruling family for Octavian? -In late 36BC when Octavian returned to Rome he was received as a hero, with the Senate awarding him Tribune's immunity which was later extended to Livia and to Octavia, establishing the beginnings of a ruling family.
Where does Augustus reference his successes in this period? -In the Res Gestae 25, "I restored peace to the sea from pirates."
How did relations with Antony worsen in 36BC? -In 36BC, Octavian sent only 2000 of the 20,000 men promised along with Octavia, this was seen as an insult by Antony, so sent Octavia back to Rome and was joined by Cleopatra.
How did Octavian after the defeat of Sextus political reinvent himself? -After the defeat of Sextus, the Senate offered Octavian the office of Pontifex Maximus, he refused as the office is for life. -This is the first sign of a second major political reinvention, form avenger of Caesar to upholder of and guardian of Roman tradition. As well as the defender of the people against Sextus. His political reinvention was symbolised by a decree that all records of his acts up to that point be burned; he was starting over, so the Principate didn't start with its roots intertwined with Sextus's defeat in 36bc.
What position was Antony in? -Antony was suffering from failing Parthian campaigns compared to Octavian's successes against Sextus. -Antony also had a link to Cleopatra with two children although he was married to Octavia. -Antony had also had staged the 'Donations of Alexandria' in which he divided up the eastern Roman empire up between his children, declaring Caesarion the legitimate son of Caesar.
Why was Caesarion being named as Caesar's heir an issue for Octavian? -As it undercut Octavian's most fundamental claim to political leadership. -Octavian in response named Agrippa as the new agile in 33BC to see restoration of the Rome, beautifying the city bolstering the image of Octavian as a caring administrator.
How did Octavian respect Roman Tradition during this period? -The Triumvirate's Triumviral powers ran out in 33BC, so Octavian ceased using the title, a show of respect towards Roman tradition however Antony did not.


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