Macroeconomics - Chapter 25


The Exchange Rate and the Balance of Payments
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Foreign Exchange Market the market in which the currency of one country is exchanged for the currency of another
Exchange Rate the price at which one currency exchanges for another
A fall in the value of one currency vs. another is currency ______ A fall in the value of one currency vs. another is currency depreciation
A rise in value of one currency vs. another currency is currency _________ A rise in value of one currency vs. another currency is currency appreciation
When people who are holding US$ want to exchange it for CA$, they o Demand CA$ o Supply US$
The quantity of CA$ that traders plan to buy in the foreign exchange market depends on o The exchange rate o World demand for Canadian exports o Interest rates in Canada and other countries o The expected future exchange rate
the higher the exchange rate (the price of CA$), the _______ is the quantity of CA$ demanded in the foreign exchange market the higher the exchange rate (the price of CA$), the smaller is the quantity of CA$ demanded in the foreign exchange market
Why is the demand curve for Canadian dollars downward sloping? o Exports effect o Expected profit effect
Exports Effect A lower exchange rate (depreciation of CA$) lowers the price of our goods for foreigners, so they buy more
Expected Profit Effect The larger the expected profit from holding Canadian dollars, the greater is the quantity of Canadian dollars demanded today
As the price does up, the quantity demanded goes _____ As the price does up, the quantity demanded goes down
The supply curve for CA$ is the relationship between __________ and ___________ The supply curve for CA$ is the relationship between the exchange rate and quantity of CA$ supplied
Why is the supply curve for Canadian dollars sloping upward? o Imports effect o Expected profits effect
Imports Effect A higher exchange rate (appreciation of CA$) lowers the price of foreign goods from our perspective
Expected Profit Effect • For a given expected future Canadian dollar exchange rate, the lower the current exchange rate, o The greater is the expected profit from holding Canadian dollars o The smaller is the quantity of CA$ supplied on the foreign exchange market
The higher the price, the ______ the quantity supplied The higher the price, the higher the quantity supplied
If the exchange rate is too high, a ______ of Canadian dollars drives it ______ If the exchange rate is too high, a surplus of Canadian dollars drives it down
If the exchange rate is too low, a _______ of Canadian dollars drives it ______ If the exchange rate is too low, a shortage of Canadian dollars drives it up
Changes in things other than the exchange rate will shift the demand curve for CA$ o World demand for Canadian exports o Canadian interest rate vs foreign interest rates o The expected future exchange rate
World Demand for Canadian Exports • At a given exchange rate, if world demand for Canadian exports increases o The demand for dollars increases o The demand curve for CA$ shifts rightward
Canadian Interest Rate vs Foreign Interest Rates • Canadian Interest Rate Differential o The demand for dollars increases o The demand curve for Canadian dollars shifts rightward
Canadian Interest Rate Differential the Canadian interest rate minus the foreign interest rate
Expected Future Exchange Rate • At a given current exchange rate, if the expected future exchange rate for CA$ rises o The demand for CA$ increases and the demand curve for dollars shifts rightward
Changes in anything other than the exchange rate will shift the supply curve o Canadian demand for imports o Canadian interest rate differential o The expected future exchange rate
Canadian Demand for Imports • At a given exchange rate, if the Canadian demand for imports increases o The supply of CA$ on the foreign exchange market increases o The supply curve of CA$ shifts rightward
Canadian Interest Rate Differential • If the Canadian interest rate differential rises o The supply for CA$ decreases o The supply curve of Canadian dollars shifts leftward
Expected Future Exchange Rate •At a given current exchange rate, if the expected future exchange rate for CA$ rises o The supply of CA$ decreases and the supply curve for CA$ shifts leftward
Arbitrage Buying at a low price on one market and selling at a high price in another
Interest Rate Parity indifferences to interest rates available on deposits in two countries, e.g. equal rates of return
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) when two quantities of money can buy the same quantity of goods and services, which means equal value of money
Nominal Exchange Rate the value of a domestic currency expressed in units of foreign currency
Real Exchange Rate the relative price of domestically-produced goods and services to foreign-produced goods and services
Real Exchange Rate Equation Real Exchange Rate=E ×( P/(P*))
Real Exchange Rate in the Short-Run Equation RER=E×( P/(P*) )
Real Exchange Rates in the Long-Run Equation E=RER ×( (P*)/P )
3 possible exchange rate policies are o Flexible exchange rate o Fixed exchange rate o Crawling peg
Flexible Exchange Rate permits the exchange rate to be determined by demand and supply with no direct intervention in the foreign exchange market by the central bank
Fixed Exchange Rate pegs the exchange rate at a value decided by the government or central bank and that block the unregulated forces of demand and supply by direct intervention in the foreign market
If demand increases, the Bank of Canada _____ CA$. This _____ supply and moves equilibrium back If demand increases, the Bank of Canada sells CA$. This increases supply and moves equilibrium back
Crawling Peg a policy that selects a target path for the exchange rate with intervention in the foreign exchange market to achieve that path
Balance of Payments Account records a country’s international trading, borrowing, and lending
3 Balance of Payments Accounts o Current account o Capital account o Official settlements account
Current Account Keeps track of new flows of money resulting from purchases of goods and services
Current Account Balance Equation Current Account Balance = exports - imports + net interest income + net transfers
Inflows exports, interest received on foreign assets, transfers to Canada
Outflows imports, interest paid on assets held by foreigners, transfers to other countries
Capital Account Keeps track of net flows of money resulting from the purchase and sale of real or financial assets
Official settlements account Keeps track of Government holdings of foreign currencies
The sum of the balances of the three accounts always _____ The sum of the balances of the three accounts always equal zero
A country that is borrowing more from the rest of the world than it is lending to it is called a _______ A country that is borrowing more from the rest of the world than it is lending to it is called a net borrower
A country that is lending more to the rest of the world than it is borrowing from it is called a _______ A country that is lending more to the rest of the world than it is borrowing from it is called a net lender
Debtor Nation a country that during the sum of its history has borrowed more from the rest of the world than it has lent to it
Creditor Nation a country that has invested more in the rest of the world than other countries have invested in it over its history
Investment and Savings Equations (X-M)=(S-I)+(T-G) Net Exports = Private Sector Balance + Government Balance
Current Account Balance Equation CAB=NX+Net interest income+Net transfers
Exchange Rate and the Balance of Payments in the Short-Run o A fall in the nominal exchange rate lowers the real exchange rate o Our imports are more costly and our exports more competitive  X – M rises  Current account deficit falls (or surplus rises)
Exchange Rate and the Balance of Payments in the Long-Run o A change in the nominal exchange rate leaves the real exchange rate unchanged  The nominal exchange rate plays no role in influencing the current account balance in the long run


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