History Chapter 4.1 & The Arts of Early America


7 History FlashCards sobre History Chapter 4.1 & The Arts of Early America, criado por Malaya Nicole em 23-01-2017.
Malaya Nicole
FlashCards por Malaya Nicole, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Malaya Nicole
Criado por Malaya Nicole mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Precedent An example to be followed by others in the future
Tariff A tax on imported goods
Alexander Hamilton Secretary of the Treasury
What are the 3 parts of Alexander Hamilton's financial program? 1. US government would fully agree to pay all federal and state debts 2. US government would charter national bank for depositing government funds 3. Government would impose a high tax on goods imported into the country (tariffs)
Why did Alexander Hamilton place a tax on whiskey? He thought it would raise funds for the Treasury and PAY THE WAR DEBT
What did the rebellious farmers compare the hated tax to? Taxes that Britain had imposed on the colonies before the Revolution ("no taxation without representation")
What did President Washington say to his troops for the reason they were going to put down the rebellion? "Armed rebellion isn't acceptable in a republic"
American architects designed their buildings to give a sense of ? and ? harmony and balance
The design idea of using domes and pillars came from what to early civilizations? Greece and Rome
Who are folk artists? Ordinary people (rather than trained artists) who create art
List 4 examples of folk art. Hand-stitched samplers, weather vanes, ship's figureheads, tavern signs
Much of the folk art of this time included ? images that revealed pride in the ? Patriotic, new nation
Many early American popular songs were adapted from ? old English melodies
Give an example of what would represent the arts in 2017 America (Architecture, folk art, music) Skyscrapers, graphic design, rap/electronic


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