Advantages + disadvantages of sociology research methods


Flash card on advantages + disadvantages of sociology research methods
FlashCards por 08dobson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por 08dobson mais de 10 anos atrás

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Factors influencing choice of topic Theoretical perspective- interpretivists objective social reality, social actor universe of meaning (individual interactions,qualitative data)+ positivists objective factual reality (society influences us,quantitative data), feminists domestic violence, New Right benefit system Society's values- what society is interested in, 60's + 70's gender inequality, 21st century green crimes Funding - government bodies decide topic, >1997 New Labour social exclusion of disadvantaged groups Theoretical perspective- interpretivists objective social reality, social actor universe of meaning (individual interactions,qualitative data)+ positivists objective factual reality (society influences us,quantitative data), feminists domestic violence, New Right benefit system Society's values- what society is interested in, 60's + 70's gender inequality, 21st century green crimes Funding - government bodies decide topic, >1997 New Labour social exclusion of disadvantaged groups Theoretical perspective, Society's values, Funding, Practical factors
Factors influencing choice of method Theoretical issues, Practical issues, Ethical issues
Reasons why non representative sampling Practical reasons Theoretical reasons
Advantage of questionnaires Practical advantages Reliability Hypothesis testing Detachment + objectivity Representativeness Ethical issues
Disadvantages of questionnaires Practical problems Response rate Inflexibility Questionnaires as snapshots Detachment Lying, forgetting + right answerism Imposing researchers meanings
Advantages of structured interviews Practical issues Response rate Reliability
Disadvantages of structured interviews Validity Inflexibility Feminist criticisms
Advantages of unstructured interviews Rapport + sensitivity Interviewees view Checking understanding Flexibility Exploring unfamiliar topics
Disadvantages of unstructured interviews Practical problems Representativeness Reliability Quantification Validity
Advantages of overt observation avoids ethical issue of deceit + having to join in activities, can ask naive but important questions, can take notes openly, can use interview methods
Disadvantages of overt observation may refuse permission to observe/ prevent from seeing everything , risks Hawthorne effect
Advantages of covert observation Reduced risk of altering behaviour, only way to get true information
Disadvantages of covert observation Practical Problems Ethical issues
Advantages of participant observation Validity Insight Flexibility Practical advantages
Disadvantages of participant observation Practical disadvantages Ethical problems Representativeness Reliability Bias + lack of objectivity Validity Lack of concept of structure
Disadvantages of documents authenticity credibility sincerity representativeness
Advantages of documents rich detailed, valid, qualitative data , only source of studying past, can check primary data, cheap as already collected, also saves time
Advantages of official statistics comparison between groups, cause + effect representative reliable valid
Disadvantages of official statistics collected for government purposes different definitions different views, definitions change comparisons difficult, is sample relevant , may make errors
Advantages of content analysis cheap, easy to find sources + useful source of quantitative data
Disadvantage of content analysis no meaning


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