The Industrial Revolution


FlashCards sobre The Industrial Revolution, criado por Khalid Badaso em 03-02-2017.
Khalid Badaso
FlashCards por Khalid Badaso, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Khalid Badaso
Criado por Khalid Badaso aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
List 2 important discoveries from the industrial revoulution The spinning Jenny and electricity
What could the spinning jenny do? It enabled one man to operate several spools of cotton at once rather than just one. This was one of the first examples of mass production
Why did people migrate from rural to urban areas? In search of jobs since Europe was transforming from an agricultural to industrial society
When and by who was the steam engine invented It was invented in 1776 by James Watt
What was the fastest growing city during the industrial revolution? London, it was the fastest growing city by the 19th century
Where did the civillians live during the industrial age? They lived in crammed tenament blocks close to the factories they worked in
Why was it hard to have privacy in tenament homes? Many families lived under the same roof
What were the most common diseases in tenament house? Cholera and typhus
What were girls jobs during the industrial age? They worked as harrers in the coalmines
How did they do it? They pulled a cart by using a chain secured around there waist
What were the working conditions like? They were 12 to 14 hours and there were no safety rules whatsoever
Why were children employed? They were employed for tasks that needed small hands and nimble fingers
What did the children work as? They would be hewing coal
Why were convicts transported to Australia and not America? America became independant
What was the most common crime? Theft
When did America gain independance? In 1776
What was Australia known as in the Industrial age? Working mans paradise
Why was it known as this? People were payed high wages and worked less hours
What happened in Australia in 1890? An economic depression began leading to closing businesses and risking unemployment
What did workers do to counter this? They formed trade unions


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