Product Design


FlashCards sobre Product Design, criado por adamwood451 em 07-05-2013.
FlashCards por adamwood451, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por adamwood451 quase 12 anos atrás
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HSE (Health and safety executive) 'five steps to risk assessment' 1. Identify the hazard 2. Identify the people at risk 3. Evaluate the risks 4. Decide upon suitable control measures 5. Record the risk
HSE (Health and safety executive) 'five steps to risk assessment' 1. Identify the hazard 2. Identify the people at risk 3. Evaluate the risks 4. Decide upon suitable control measures 5. Record the risk
What is an alloy? Material mixed two or more metals to enhanced properties e.g. stainless steel(steel alloy) and duralumin(aluminium alloy)
Name the 3 3D modelling techniques on CAD Wire frame model, surface model, solid model
Risks and control measures when using a computer Repetitive stain injury- tilt keyboard, ergo keyboard and mouse with wrist support, take breaks Eye strain- Correct settings, anti-glare screen, tilt screen, take breaks
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of Side-wire stitching Documents and booklets Used for thick books, inexpensive, no fold required not laid flat, low visual appearance
Advantages of Acrylic Withstand weather conditions, chemical resistant, stress resisting, easy to make, good looking, lightweight, low cost
Why are metals used for commercial packaging? Sealed cans cannot be tampered with Containers can be any shape Be embossed or de-bossed Can be directly printed on
Disadvantages of Acrylic brittle, low scratch resistance, cracks easily
What is mechanical pulp? Logs are saturated with water and debarked. Wood is ground down and made into fibres. Used mainly for low grade paper such as newspaper.
Info about Aluminuim strong, lightweight made from Bauxite ore Recyclable
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of contact adhesive General purpose, unlike materials Quick bonding, large spread, easy application time must be given before app, expensive, harmful compounds
HSE guidance on COSHH steps 1. Assess the risks 2. What precautions 3. Control exposure 4. maintaining it 5. Monitor 6. health surveillance 7. Prepare 8. supervise/train empolyees
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of Spiral and comb binding Business reports/documents inexpensive, no fold, good appearance, laid flat Easily fall apart or tear
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of Acrylic cement Acrylic Quick difficult to apply, expensive, harmful compounds
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of Perfect binding Paperbacks, catalogues Good appearance, good quality Expensive
What is Chemical pulp? After de-barking, the logs are cut into chips. These are pounded into fragments and screened. It is then treated in acid or alkali to break it down
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of Hard bound or case bound Books protection, high quality, extremely durable Very expensive
Hardwoods Oak, beech, mahogany
What is wasted pulp? Recycled paper and board which is mixed with virgin fibres
Info on Tin Made from Cassiterite needs to be refined low melting point doesn't corrode Used as coating
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of Polystyrene cement High impact polystyrene Strong, brush app expensive, harmful compounds
Info on Steel Used in food packaging coated in tin made from iron and carbon
Why are polymers used in commercial packaging? Light and versatile Strong, impact and water resistant Easily formed and printed on inexpensive recyclable
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of One-off production Prototype, stickers, shop signage Exact, high-quality Expensive, labour intensive
Softwood Scots pine, parana pine, whitewood
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of Batch production Newspapers and maganizes Flexibility, responsive, efficient, lower unit costs Poor production planning, costly retooling
What is the Wet end? Dilutes to 99% water and 1% fibre
What is the Press section? Wrings out the majority of water
Info on Polythylene terephthalate 1 PET Tough, light, air-tight, no flavour, clear apperance Drink bottles, food containers
What is the Dryer section? Dries paper using steam-heated rollers
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of Mass production Mobiles, games, packaging Highly automated, workforce on certain tasks, good testing, low costing Low skill, ethical concerns, high set up costs, inflexible
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of Continuous production cans and bottles low unit costs, 24/7 Little flexibility
Properties of Hardwood Close grain, expensive, difficult to work with
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of epoxy resin most materials Very strong, very quick, versatille, heat and chemical resistant takes days to fully dry, expensive, messy
Info on High density polyethyene 2 HDPE Resistant to chemicals and water, tough, Lightweight, rigid Toiletries and cosmetics
Advantages and disadvantages of Desktop publishing text and image changing, range typeface, graphics tools, easy layout, cut and paste, zoom Need of new software, incompatibility with other software
What is the Calendar section? smooth out using a series of rollers to the correct thinkness
Info on Polyvinyl chloride 3 PVC Weather and Chemical resistant, strong, rigid or flexable Toiletries, foods and confectionery, water and fruit juices
Properties of Softwood Sustainable, cheaper, easy to work with, lightweight, can make trenches with heat
Info on Low density polyethylene 4 LDPE Resistance to chemicals, tough, flexable, light Cling film
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of Polyvinyl acetate Wood Strong, inexpensive need to be clamped, not waterproof
Info on Polypropylene 5 PP Light, rigid, flexable, impact resistant Food packaging, sweet wrappers
Info on Polystrene 6 PS Rigid: light, tranparent Expand:impact and heat resistant, light Rigid: Food packaging, CD cases Expand: cups, egg cartons
Advantages and disadvantages of Rapid prototyping using CAD Fast, creats directly from CAD data, reduced development time, accurate testing and prototyping Extremely expensive to set up
4 main functions of packaging contain protect dispense advertise
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of Blow moulding Bottles Detailed shapes, hollow, reduce material loss, low unit cost High set up cost
Constructional information for nets cut lines fold lines tabs closure system annotation
What is the weight of paper measured in? grams per metre
What are composites? Mixture of two or more materials combined by bonding
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of Injection moulding Casings, containers, packaging Low unit cost, high quality finish High set up cost
What is the thickness of ply measured in? mircons (1000ths of a millimetre
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of Vacuum forming Trays, pots, blister packs Inexpensive, easy modified Accurate moulds needed, large waste
Name a composite Glass reinforced plastics Carbon fibre Medium-density fibreboard
Finishing processes of board and paper Laminating Encapsulation Varshing Hot foil blocking Embossing
Finishing processes using CAD Laser cutting and engraving
What are the properties of Layout paper? Translucent Used for sketching Allows for tracing Relatively expensive
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of Offset lithography Brochures, magazines, newspaper Good quality, inexpensive, high speed, widely available variation, stretching, uneco on short runs, flat only
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of flexography Packaging, magazines, newspapers High speed, fast drying No fine detail, non-consistent, high set up cost
What are the properties of Tracing paper? Transparent Used for sketching Allows for tracing Quite expensive
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of Screen printing Shirts, poster, mugs easy, versatile, eco on short runs, fully auto long runs no fine detail, long drying times
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of Gravure High-quality art, books, mag Consistent, high speed, quick dry, good results High cost, non eco short runs, 'dots', high set up cost
What are quality assurance systems? Manufacturers quality monitors the product from testing to guarantees
Three levels of inspection 100%- all Normal- Sampling Reduced- smaller sampling
Two types of testing Non-destructive- how much force to deform Destructive- How much force to destroy
What are registration marks used for? Using a densitometer, checking ink density and colour
What are the properties of Copier paper? Lightweight photocopying and sketching Range of colours Inexpensive in bulk
What are the properties of Cartridge paper? Smooth General drawing Opaque Relatively inexpensive
What does LCD stand for and how does it work? Liquid crystal displays They work with a cell having voltage put through it
Benefits of BSI ISO 9000 series of standards Users-reliable, available, maintain People-Conditions, morale, safety Owners-profits, operational results Society-Safety, security, enviro impact
What are the properties of Bond paper? Writing paper Graphic work Long wearing paper Inexpensive in bulk
What does the Kitermark mean? Mark of european quality
What does the CE mark mean? Meets all relevant European directives
What are the properties of Coated paper? Smooth surface High quality print jobs Silk, matt, gloss etc Relatively expensive
What are the properties of Recycled card? Made of recovered pulp trays and inner packaging Low quality Inexpensive
What do phosphorescent pigments do? Absorb energy and release it in the form of light in the dark
What are the properties of Mounting board? Thick card Presentation and displays Strong and high quality Expensive
What are the properties of Folding boxboard? Layers:Bleached-unbleached-Bleached Food packaging Bendable and printable Relatively inexpensive
What are the properties of Corrugated board? Fluted card between two flat sides Packaging Impact resistant, strong and low cost Relatively inexpensive
What are the properties of Solid white board? Pure wood pulp Packaging for frozen food, cosmetics Strong and printable Expensive
How does electroluminescent lighting work? Converts electrical energy into light by applying a voltage across electrodes
What do thermochromic liquid crystals do? Changes the ink at a certain temp (forehead thermometer)
What does PPE stand for? Personal protective equipment
What are the properties of Foil-lined board? Foil lined board Pre-packed food packaging Visually good and moisture protection Expensive
What is a Ferrous metal? Contains ferrite or iron i.e. steel
Advantages and disadvantages of sketch modelling Changable, all angle view, cheap, quick Difficult to change, rough, inaccurate
What do piezoelectric crystals do? expands and contracts when electric current is applied. Used in music modules for greetings cards
Prohibition sign
Mandatory sign
Warning sign
Safe condition signs
Advantages and disadvantages of Virtual modelling More detail, easy editing, e-mail Time consuming for tech specialist, Data lost, expensive
Fire equipment signs
What is a Non-ferrous metal? Contains no iron e.g. aluminium and tin Non magnetic
Not suitable for children under 3 years
Irritant to eyes and skin
Applications, Advantages and disadvantages of Saddle-wire stitching Comics and Magazines ideal for folded pages, can be laid flat and inexpensive Lower-quality appearance, can easily fall apart

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