
BA Year 1 Counselling (CURRICULUM) FlashCards sobre C101 COUNSELLING THEORY, criado por Mercedes Bell em 07-02-2017.
Mercedes Bell
FlashCards por Mercedes Bell, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Mercedes Bell
Criado por Mercedes Bell aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Name three categories of psychological problems found in humans? 1) Psychoses 2) Personality Disorders 3) Neuroses
Name the 3 branches in the Human Psychology Tree - Psychodynamic - Cognitive - Humanist
What are some secular models of counselling which can be found in the three branches of Psychology (Human Psychology Tree) - Psychodynamic Therapy - Person Centered Therapy - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - Comparison of CBT with Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT)
Name the four levels in Bond's Pond - Skills & Techniques - Clinical Theory - Formal Theory - Presuppositions (Philosophy)
What does 'OR' stand for on the Human Psychology Tree Object Relations
What does 'AT' stand for on the Human Psychology Tree Attachment Theory
What does 'REBT' stand for on the Human Psychology Tree Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy
What does 'CBT' stand for on the Human Psychology Tree Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
What does 'PCT' stand for on the Human Psychology Tree Person Centered Therapy
What does 'G' stand for on the Human Psychology Tree Gestalt Therapy
What does the 'E' stand for on the Human Psychology Tree Existentialism
What does the 'TA' stand for on the Human Psychology Tree Transactional Analysis
What is Psychodynamic Theory - Founded by Sigmund Freud - Was evolved from Psychoanalysis in the 1880's, and 1890's - Explores the unconscious processes of patients to help them recall childhoods. - Childhood is considered the foundation of the personality - 3 parts of personality are made up of ID, EGO, SUPEREGO - Believes that psychological problems are caused by inner conflict between the three areas of personality. - ID is the pleasure seeking part of personality - EGO is the 'Me' or conscious and rational part of self - SUPEREGO is the largely unconscious part of self. - Interpretation of dreams is also seen as important. - Defense mechanisms result from what is believed to be an internal world that is affected by the past - Talking freely with the client giving space to 'interpretation' and allows for the unconscious to reveal itself. - Therapist has a distant approach which can provoke transference in the client. They act as a blank canvas which the client can project.
What is Person Centered Therapy - In the 1940's and 1950's, A third force known as the 'Humanistic' or 'Client-Centered Approach'. - Founded by Carl Rogers - Core Conditions: Primary empathy, Unconditional positive regard, Congruence. - Masks must be removed in order to create trust, change - If all core conditions are met, he believes a client is able to self-actualise, becomes their true self, and reach potential. - The vital 'false-self' develops in childhood and causes poor self concept. - Has an optimistic view of nature and believes that humans are ultimately good and can change if the core conditions are met, resulting in self actualisation.
What is Cognitive Behaviour Therpy - Founded by Aaron Beck in 1960's - Thinking disorders of depressed & anxious patients - Cognitive (thoughts), Behaviour (emotional reactions) - 3 Levels of thought: Automatic, Assumptions, Schemas - N.A.T's (Negative Automatic Thoughts) - Aim to therapy is to relieve emotional distress - Process of changing thoughts and reality which is called ' Cognitive Restructuring'. - Identify, Identify, Challenge distressing thoughts by means of Socratic questioning
What is Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) - Similar to CBT but is philosophically driven - Directive and didactic using challenging verbal questioning - Attacks and dismisses irrational thinking - Uses the 'ABC' Theory
Name 4 approaches to counselling - Biblical Counselling - Levels of Explanation View - Integration View - Christian Psychology View
Name 5 Styles of Practice (Table of Practice) - Anti Psychology - Biblical Only (Nouthetic) - Partial Integration (Biblical Counselling) - Integration - Partial Integration (Secular Basis) - Psychology vs.Faith (Levels of Explanation)


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